It's been two weeks since that night. Luke hasnt talked to me and I cant work up the courage to go talk to him.
It still doesnt seem real. It seems like any minute he's gonna walk throught the front door and kiss me.
But today they are leaving for the tour. I have to talk to him.
I remember Calum saying that they were leaving from his house so thats where I headed.
I could see Michael's car before I even pulled up. Luke and Ash must have rode over with Michael. I parked behind Michael's red honda and planned out what I was going to say in my head.
I got out and started to walk to the front door, but just as I was opening it to go in someone else was coming out.
The door swung open and knocked me right onto my butt. I looked up at the person I had been dying to see but too afraid to confront.
"Oh, sorry. I, uh, didnt see you there."
He helped me up as he stuttered through his sentence.
"It's okay. I just came to wish you guys luck. Do you know where Cal is?"
He nodded towards the house and walked past me. He was clearly done with the conversation so while he loaded the car I went inside.
I found Cal sitting in the living room with the other guys. Michael and Ashton were sprawled out on the couch so I sat on the arm of Calum's chair.
"So todays the day. How excited are you guys?!"
They all gave me wide smiles, letting me kinow how happy they were.
Luke walked into the room and sat on top of Michael and Ashton as they both giggled and pushed him onto the floor.
Seeing all of them around me made me sad because I know Im not gonna see them for a while.
Tears formed in my eyes and I couldnt hold them in anymore.
"Im really gonna miss you guys."
That was the only thing I managed to choke out before I completely broke down.
Calum pulled me on his lap and I cried into his shirt as he rubbed my back.
"Cas, you're gonna make me cry. Please stop."
But it was too late. I looked up to see Calum with tears streaming down his face. Calum and I had never spent more than a month away from each other. So I wont know what to do with myself while he's gone for a whole year.
I stood up and decided that I should leave because I hate crying in front of people. Just as I started to walk out I felt someone grab my wrist.
"Cassie, come with us. I cant stand to be away form you for a whole year. Please come."
I turned around and saw that Calum's face matched the pain and sadness in his voice.
I looked over at Luke, but he was already looking at me. His look told me all I needed to know.
"I cant Cal, Im sorry."
"No, you really should!"
Ashton's agreement suprised me. I know Luke told them about the break up. I just figured they wouldnt want to put their friend in such an awkward position.
"You've stuck with us through everything. You're pretty much a part of the band."
Luke gave Michael a shocked look, but Michael glared right back at him.
"No, really guys. I dont think thats a good idea."
"I think you should too."
I might have been looking at the floor, but I knew that voice.
It was Luke.
Luke wanted me to come on tour with them. I didnt even think before answering.
"Okay, Ill come."
Calum threw his arms around me and picked me up as he spun around.
I hugged Ashton and Michael after Calum put me down but stopped when I got to Luke.
"Can we talk?"
Before I could even say yes he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the other room.
"I dont want this to be awkward. We can still be friends right?"
I was expecting him to ask me to take him back but he just wanted to be friends.
"It's kinda hard to be jsut friends with someone you're in love with. But I guess im willing to try."
He gave me and awkward hug and walked back to the guys, me trailing behing him.
"I just got off the phone with Harry. He said that we need to leave now to make it on time and he said that we could bring Cassie."
Ashton's words stopped me dead in my tracks.
"You just talked to Harry Styles on the phone. Oh my god."
"Cassie, you're gonna meet them soon. Dont freak them out by being some over obsessed fan."
Calum was right. I needed be cool. I wanted them to be friends with me, not think Im some weird, crazy person.
We loaded the car up and drove two hours to the airport. I stayed silend the whole way. I couldnt get my mind off of what is about to happen.
I'm gonna meet One Direction.

The Reason/ 5SOS & 1D
FanfictionThis story isnt about depression, or self harm, or anything like that. This story is something everyone can relate to. This story is real.