Part Seventeen Luke P.O.V

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"I love you too." 

I finally said it. 

I knew that I loved Cassie, but I needed the moment to be perfect to tell her. After she accidentaly said that she loved me I knew that it was time. 

"Im sorry it took so long for me to realize it."

Part of me thinks I've loved Cassie since the moment I met her, and for the last year I've been denying my feelings toward her because I was afraid. Love terrifies me. When you love someone you give them complete power over you. They could break your heart and you would never see it coming. But thats what makes it such a rush. One person could either take you higher than you've ever been or tear you down lower than you would ever wanna go. Its the biggest risk you could ever take. You're getting on a ride that could go up or down. It might even crash and burn. But all you can do is sit back and enjoy the ride. 

I had stepped onto the ride and strapped myself in. 

Cassie stayed silent. The only sound in the room was our hearts beating. She finally looked up at me with eyes full of desire and lust. 

I smashed my lips to hers. 

As our lips moved in sync i moved my hands under the hem of her shirt and rubbed small circles on her hips. My lips moved across her jaw and down to her neck kissing and sucking on her sweet spot that I knew so well. A moan escaped her mouth as I pushed her back against the wooden floor. 

I leaned over her kissing all over her neck and collerbone. She pulled at the bottom of my shirt, begging me to let her take it off. I broke the kiss just long enough to pull my shirt over my head before I crashed our lips back together. She pulled at the ends of my hair causing me to moan into the kiss. 

She flipped me over and straddled my waist as she peppered kisses all down my chest. She kissed down my stomach until she reached the edge of my pants, looking up at me asking for permission. I nodded and she popped open the button and pulled the jeans down my legs. 

My breath hitched as I felt her palm me through my boxers.

"Cassie, please do something." 

She hooked her fingers in my boxers and drug them down my legs, freeing my erection from its confinement. 

She slowly licked all the way up my shaft before she left a light kiss at the tip. I bucked my hips at her touch, begging her to do more. She hollowed out her cheeks and started bobbing her head up and down slowly. I threw my head back and moaned, the please completely taking over my body. She felt me twitch inside her and she pulled herself off and moved her way up so she was now face to face with me again. 

I flipped her over as her lips met mine. I pulled her shirt up over her head and unhooked the clasp of her bra. I started sucking on her neck while I gentlly massaged her breasts. 

She undid the button her pants and slid them down her legs, taking her lace underwear with them. We were now completely bare and staring into each others eyes. We have had sex before but this time felt different. This time felt real. 

"I love you." My own words shocked me, but she didnt seem taken aback. 

"I love you too." 

I kissed her again but this kiss wasnt full of lust or passion. This kiss was full of love. 

I lined myself up and slowly pushed in not wanting to cause her any pain. She was tight considering we hadnt done this in a few months. 

She gave me a nod once she was adjusted and I started rocking my hips. Her eyes closed in pleasure and her nails dug into the skin on my back. 

She bit her lip trying to hold back her moans. 

"Oh my god" 

Her words only caused me to go faster. 

I felt her tighten around me as she reached her high, the sensation sending me over the edge. We rode out our highs before I pulled out and layed down beside her.  

"That was amazing." She turned on her side to look at me. 

I smiled at her, grabbing her hand pulling her up to her feet with me. 

"C'mom, I should probably get you home." 

We both got dressed and climbed out of the tree house leaving what was left of the beer and the unopened bag of chips. 

We pulled up in front of her house and she grabbed my hand before locking eyes with me. 

"Do you want to stay here tonight? Im sure my mom wouldnt care if you slept on the couch." 

"No, I think Im gonna go see someone." 

She smiled at me, already knowing who I was talking about. She kissed me goodbye and got out of the car shutting the door behind her. 

I rolled down the window, remembering that I had forgotten to tell her the most important thing. 


The sound of my voice caused her to stop and turn around. 

"I love you!" 

Her smile grew wide and she blew me a kiss before disappearing into her house. 

I left Cassie's house and drove to the other side of town, parking in front of the litte tan house that I had been to so many times before. I got out and walked to the front door, knocking a few times before stepping back and waiting for someone to answer. 

I heard footsteps from inside and a few seconds later the door opened and I was confronted by a familar face that I had missed so much. 

"Hey Calum." 

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