Authors note

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Well guys, thats it! Its finally completed! I know a lot of you guys probably dont like the ending because they didnt end up together, but I wanted to make something real that everyone could relate to. And who cant relate to a break up that ends in a friendship? 

Im really sorry if you dont like it! Thank you to anyone who read it! I have over 500 reads right now and thats more than I ever thought I would get. This is the first thing I've ever wrote other than essays for school. 

I plan on writing another one, but im gonna take a break right now! If you have anything you want me to write you can message me on here or leave a comment on this! 

You can request a person for it to be about (5sos or 1d) or you can give me a story line you want me to go on! 

Thanks for reading and I really hope you liked it. Love you guys! 

xoxo- MaKenzie (:

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