Part Twelve

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"So Cassie, when do I get to meet him?" Calum had been asking me that same question almost everyday since I met Luke a month and a half ago.

"Meet who?" I played dumb as I continued to pick up the mess that was my room. 

"You know who. Luke! The mystery boy that I've been waiting forever to meet!" 

"Calum, you're exaggerating. I only met him a month ago." I said trying to avoid the conversation as much as possible. 

"You guys hangout all the time. You totally like him. I need to see if he is worthy of you. Its my duty as your best friend!" Calum was being way too dramatic.

"I do not like him! I already told you we are just friends!" Once again I denyed my feelings for Luke. I convinced myself that if I pretended that I didnt have feelings for him then I eventually wouldnt. 

"Then why are you blushing if you dont like him?" 

"Im not blushing. Now quit being an asshole and help me clean my room!" I yelled and threw one of my shoes at him, which he dodged. 

Calum and I were as close as friends could possibly get. We knew everything about each other. He knew my deepest darkest secrets and I knew his. We could never keep anything from each other. I hated how he could read me like an open book. 

Dont get me wrong, I wanted Calum to meet Luke, but getting two boys that you're so close to in the same room is really scary. What if they dont get along and they want me to choose between them. I couldnt pick a guy that I met a month ago over my best friend that Ive known my whole life. But I also couldnt risk my chances of losing someone that I could possibly have a future with. 

Calum finally put his phone down and started to help me organize the cluttered mess. There were clothes everywhere and trash all over my dresser and my night stand. Not to mention my makeup and jewelry scattered everywhere. 

Calum bent over to look under my bed and I heard him sigh. 

"Cassie, do you ever clean under here. Its fucking disgusting." He laughed as he started shoveling  out clothes and who knows what else from under the bed. 

He started sorting through the stuff and putting all the dirty clothes into the hamper. I wasnt worried about it until I saw him pull out the little leather book from inside a shoe box. 

"Oh my gosh is this your diary?" Calum grinned at me mischieviously. 

"Dont you dare." But before I knew it he ran out of the room and down the stairs. 

"CALUM HOOD!" I ran after him begging him not to read it. 

"I dont know what to do anymore. I can feel my feelings for Luke starting to become more than just friends but I know he doesnt think of me like that." He started reading out loud to make sure I could hear him. 

"I havent liked anyone like this since freshman year when I liked Cal-"  I walked into the kitchen where he was, right as he froze mid sentence. 

I could feel my cheeks heat up. 

"Oh.." I heard him whisper and looked at me wide-eyed. 

I had never been so embarrassed in my life. 

I turned around and ran back up to my room closing the door behind me. 

I heard Calum'f footsteps coming up the stairs and then a tiny knock on the door. 

"Cas, please let me in." 

I got up from my bed and opened the door. I wouldnt look him in the eyes. I never wanted him to find out about that crush. It only lasted a few months and then I was over it. 

"Why didnt you ever tell me?" His voice was barely above a whisper. 

"Because you were my best friend Calum. I didnt want to do anything to jeapordize that." 

"Do you still, ya know.. like me?" He asked as he sat down next to me on my bed. 

"No, it only lasted like two months. It was just a dumb little crush." 

"Okay, so why are you so embarrassed?" I could feel his eyes on me. 

I finally looked up at him and saw the sincere look on his face. 

"I thought if you found out then things would get weird between us. I dont want that to happen." 

He siged and ran his fingers through the blonde highlights in his dark brown hair. 

"Nothing and no one will ever come between us Cassie. I promise. Is that why you dont want me to meet Luke. Are you afraid he will come between us?" 

I nodded and he grabbed my hand. 

"I will always be here. No matter what. It doesnt matter if you're dating Luke or if you guys are just friends, or if me and him end up hating each other. I'll never go anywhere." I could feel my lips pull into a smile. 

"Okay. You can meet him." I finally gave in. 

*The next day*

Calum was meeting Luke today and I have to admit I was really nervous. 

When Luke's car pulled up in front of my house I felt my stomach drop. 

"Cal, he's here." I called into the kitchen where Calum was sitting at the table scrolling through something on his phone. 

I opened the door and let Luke in as Calum made his way into the living room. 

"Dude, nice shirt! I love Nirvana." Calum's eyes lit up at Luke's compliment. 

They started talking about all the bands they listen to and what concerts they have been to. I was getting bored with the conversation so I got up to go get some drinks. 

After I poured the three cups of tea, I headed back towards the living room but stopped when I heard my name. 

"So Cassie huh? Do you like her?" I mentally face palmed at Calum's bluntness. 

"Um, yeah. I do. But she doesnt know that so please dont tell her, man." I felt incredibly bad for spying but I couldnt help myself now. 

I stood and listened to Luke tell Calum the story of how I spilled my coffee all over him the day we met. 

"There was just something about her. I dont know. But I couldnt let her leave that day without knowing that I would see her again." Luke's words made my stomach fill with butterflies. 

I had been gone for a while now so I decided to go back into the living room before Calum could say anything back. They both smiled as I walked in. 

"So, did I miss anything?" I asked, pretending like I hadnt been easdropping on them for the last five minutes. 

"No, just band talk." Luke said as he shot Calum a "dont say a single word" look. 

We all three sat there talking about any topic that came to mind for the rest of the night. Calum and Luke connected instantly and I couldnt have been happier with how things turned out. Plus I found out the one thing that had been on my mind since the day I met Luke. 

He liked me. 

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