Ever since Calum and I had made up a week ago we spent every minute that we had together. Everything was finally starting to seem okay again. Well as okay as it could be without Luke here.
I havent heard anything from Luke since he called me at the cafe. Not that I was expecting to hear anything from him. It was more just me hoping.
It was 10 in the morning and I was laying on the couch watching re runs of How I Met Your Mother. I watched every season on netflix last summer so I already knew what happened in every episode. Calum wasnt a morning person so he was still asleep upstairs in my bed. I knew better than to wake him up. He would go from sleeping beauty to the beast in the blink of an eye.
I was watching the episode where Robins little sister came to visit when Calum made his way into the kitchen to make some breakfast.
"Cal, make some pancakes!" I yelled as I kept my eyes glued to the television.
"You know, usually its the girl cooking for the guy. Get your ass in here and help me."
I rolled off the couch and made my way into the kitchen only to find Calum staring at the box of pancake mix with a confused look on his face.
"Calum, its the pre maid stuff. All you have to do is add water." He stuck his tounge out at me which made me giggle.
Calum mixed up the pancake batter while I heated up the stove.
I sat and watched as Calum made the pancakes and occasionaly laughed as he tried, and fail, to flip them with the pan.
I finally got my pancakes and Calum and I sat down and ate in silence. When we were both done I got up and did the dishes while Calum went and took a shower. When I finished with the dishes I went up to my room and waited for Calum to get out of the shower so I could take one.
From my room I could hear Calum singing one of Nickelback's songs in the shower. Luke might be the lead singer of the band, but Calum definetly had a damn good voice.
After about ten minutes the sound of running water started to fade and Calum walked into the room with a towel around his waist. He went over to his bag and pulled out a pair of boxers and shorts. He dropped his towel giving me a view of his firm, but very pale butt.
"Calum!" He pulled on his boxers and shorts and laid down on the bed like it was nothing.
"What?" Calum looked at me with that innocent face he does so well.
I just laughed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.
After my shower I got out and grabbed some clothes to change into. I, unlike Calum, went back into the bathroom to change.
"So, what do you want to do today?" Calum asked me when I walked back into the room.
"I was thinking about going to the park to take some pictures. I havent taken any since Luke left and I miss the feeling of having a camera in my hand. Do you wanna come with me?"
"Yeah, sure. Can you take some pictures of me though? My mom has been wanting some new ones to put in the living room." Calum's mom loved putting pictures of Calum everywhere she possibly could.
"Yeah sure. Let me just grab my camera and we can go."
I went to the closet and grabbed my Nikon D3100 and a jacket, and Calum and I headed to the park.
It was August so the fall leaves were starting to show, which made it great picture weather. I took Calum's pictures first. One of him leaning with his back up against a tree, and one of him sitting on one of the lower tree branches. They turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
I've always had a thing for taking pictures. Ever since I got my first camera on my fourteeth birthday. Something about it was just so intriguing to me. Maybe it was how you could take a picture of something so simple and it would turn out to look so beautiful. I loved that.
We spent 2 hours in the park taking pictures until I finally gave in to Calum begging to go home.
"Lets go to the movies tonight." Calum said, breaking the silence in the car.
"Okay. I think the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is playing so we should definitely see that."
Calum agreed and we decided to go to the nine o'clock show.
On the way home we stopped by the store to get some of the pictures that I took developed. When we got back to my house Calum left to take his pictures to his mom and told me he would be back by to pick me up at eight thirty.
I went up to my room and put the pictures I got devolped on my picture wall. I have been working on my picture wall for almost a year now and it was looking pretty good. I've almost filled up the whole wall, which was my goal. It would be done by the end of the year and I cant wait to see how it turns out.
My room is the kind of room that tells someone everything they need to know about me just by looking at all the stuff on my walls. I have posters of my favorite bands and movies everywhere, I have my drawings pinned up all around the room and I had my picture wall that shows pretty much everything I have done all year long. I dont understand people who dont have their rooms decorated. It's my favorite way to express myself.
I just hungout in my room and listened to music until Calum picked me up at 8:30 and we headed to the movie theater. We bought our usuals, Calum getting popcorn and me getting milk duds, and made our way to the theater that was playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
We sat and talked through the previews but instantly quieted down when the movie started playing.
When the movie ended we made our way back out to Calum's car and went to go get gas before we headed back to my house. Calum pumped the gas at the gas station and I went in the pay for it. After I paid, we left and Calum dropped me off at my house.
"Mom, Im home!" I yelled as I walked through the door. I set my purse down and walked into the living room. When I turned the corner I stood face to face with the person I was least expecting.
"Luke, what are you doing here?"

The Reason/ 5SOS & 1D
FanfictionThis story isnt about depression, or self harm, or anything like that. This story is something everyone can relate to. This story is real.