I haven't hung out with any of the guys all week considering it seemed like every second they were practicing for their show. But tonight was the night.
"Hey Cas, do you wanna come to rehearsal with us today?"
Zayn and I have gotten pretty close ever since that night at the pool. I had become pretty good friends with all of the One Direction boys, but there was just something about Zayn. He and I clicked instantly and I already thought of him as an older brother.
"Yeah, that sounds better than sitting around the hotel alone for another day."
"Alright, c'mon. You can ride over with me."
Next thing I knew I was slung over Zayn's shoulder and we were walking towards the elevator.
"Zayn put me down! The blood is rushing to my head!"
He chuckled and started spinning in circles in the middle of the hallway. He stopped suddenly and set me down. As I turned around I stood face to face with Luke.
"Hey Luke, whats up?"
I felt bad that he had just seen that. What if he thought Zayn and I were a thing? What am I even thinking, it doesnt matter because Luke and I arent together.
"Hey. You're coming to band practice today?"
"Yeah, Zayn convinced me to get out of the hotel for once."
Zayn laughed before opening his mouth to speak.
"Well maybe if you werent so lazy all the time you would actually have some fun while you're in London!"
"Shut up you jerk!"
I pulled my fist back like I was gonna punch him but let it fall as I laughed.
"Well, I guess Ill see you guys there."
Zayn nodded while I said my goodbyes and we went our seperate ways.
"He definitely thinks we like each other."
Zayn's words suprised me. It was like he knew exactly what I was thinking.
"Uh well. He should know better. Plus, it doesnt even matter. Me and him are just friends just like you and I are."
The elevator dinged and the door slowly opened and we made our way out to one of the black Escalades. Zayn climbed into the drivers seat while I pulled myself into the passengers seat.
I flipped on the radio and started laughing as Story Of My Life filled the car.
Zayn turned it up and started belting the lyrics, only making me laugh even harder.
"Does it ever seem real? Hearing your own song on the radio?" I asked after turning down the volume.
"No, not really. Everytime one of our songs come on we always jam it and sing along. The feeling never goes away. It still seems so crazy. This is all I've ever wanted to do and hearing myself on the radio just gives me a feeling of accomplishment. It gets better everytime. Ill never be used to it."
His words made sense, I've just never had that feeling. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. He was only a few years older than me and he's already done so much.
"I wish I had that feeling. I dont even know what I want to do, and im running out of time to figure it out. I graduated a year early and I got accepted into so many colleges but I just dont know if college is for me. I wanna see the world. I dont wanna be stuck in school for another who knows how many years."

The Reason/ 5SOS & 1D
FanfictionThis story isnt about depression, or self harm, or anything like that. This story is something everyone can relate to. This story is real.