Part Twenty Cassie P.O.V

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After the gig the guys all agreed to come to my house to celebrate with an all night movie night. 

Luke and Calum went and grabbed a ton of blankets and pillows while Ashton and I made popcorn and drinks and Michael just sat there like always. 

"I call the couch with Luke!" 

Calum and Ashton groaned in annoyance. Michael was already in the chair so that meant they were stuck on the floor. 

I decided to let them pick the first movie since this whole get together was to celebrate them, and of course they chose a scary movie. 

I popped in Insidious and cuddled into my spot next to Luke on the couch. I was already scared out of my mind. I have always hated scary movies. Ever since Calum made me watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre when I was thirteen. 

Ten minutes into it I was shaking, but Luke's hand started rubbing circles on my back and I felt myself relax at his touch. 

I was just starting to get into the movie when a creepy looking guy popped into the mirror and I screamed, turning my head into Luke's chest as all the guys laughed at me. 

"Cas, its okay. Look at me."

Luke's words were just loud enough for me to hear. I picked my head up and was met by his stunning blue eyes. He smirked at me before he pressed his lips to mine. 

His tounge begged for entrace as he ran his hand up my leg until it reached my butt. 

I pulled away and glared at him. 

"Luke, this is not the time or place for this." 

I wasnt even convinced by my words. He knew how much I wanted him. He squeezed my butt as he smashed our lips back together. I didnt deny him this time and I felt his tounge slip into my mouth. 

As our tounges wrestled I felt his hand slide off my butt and go to the button of my pants. 

He was just about to undo them when his phone rang and the mood was killed. 

He untangled himself from me and paused the movie before picking up the phone. I saw his confused expression and knew he didnt recognize the number. 

After a few seconds of him talking into the phone his face lit up and it looked like he was about to pass out. The other guys noticed too because they all started asking him questions but he just gave them the hand and listened intently to whoever was speaking on the other side of the line. 

He said his goodbyes and hung up before he turned to face us. 

The guys started hammering him with questions but he couldnt speak. 

"Luke, snap out of it. Who the hell was that and what did they say? You look like you just saw a ghost."

Michael's words brought Luke back to reality and a smile grew on his face. 

"That was One Directions management. One of the guys saw a video of our gig and they want us to open for them on a tour around the UK next year." 

"One Direction, the biggest boy band in the world, wants us to open for them?" 

Calum was the first to speak as Michael, Ashton and I just stood there in complete shock. 

Luke nodded and the boys all went in for a group hug. I was still in so much schock I couldnt move. I had just gotten Luke back not that long ago and now he was talking about leaving again. 

"The UK? Thats really far.." 

I hated to bring them down in such a happy moment but I couldnt just ignore the feeling of my heart breaking inside my chest. 

"Well yeah its far, but this is the chance of a life time! We could never pass this up!" 

His words hurt. I knew he didnt mean any harm by them, but that fact that he could just leave me again after he said that he loved me stung. 

The other guys noticed my change in mood and said their goodbyes before they left Luke and I alone to talk. 

"So what does this mean for us?" 

I broke the awkward silence in the room and just threw the question out there. There was no point in trying to deny it. 

"We can work around it. We can skype and call each other every night. It will be okay Cas." 

I knew he was right. We could make this work. 

He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. 

"So what do you say we finish this movie?" 

*the next day*

I woke up with Luke's arm wrapped around my waist and our legs tangled together. He was still fast asleep so I pulled myself out of his grip and went to make myself some coffee. 

I heard Luke's phone vibrate on the counter as I was mixing my creamer and sugar into my cup. I couldnt stop myself from going and looking at the screen to see who it was from. 

I didnt recognize the number so I opened the text and my heart dropped. 

Text: Thanks for texting me last night. Im so glad you guys decided to come! We leave in two weeks! Pack warm, the UK is cold right now! 

Luke lied to me. The tour wasnt next year. The tour was next month. 

I locked the phone when I heard Luke get of the couch. 

"Hey, can you make me a cup of coffee?" 

"Make it yourself." 

My tone was harsher than I expected but I didnt care. He deserved it. 

"Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the couch." 

Luke laughed at his own pun but stopped when he saw that I didnt find it funny. 

"Seriously Cassie, whats wrong." 

"Oh nothing, but you better start packing. You leave in two weeks for the tour. Seems a little early to be leaving for a tour thats next year dontcha think?"

I could hear the venom in my words. 

He looked down at feet before opening his mouth to talk.

"You know what Luke. Save it. I dont wanna talk to you right now. I think you should leave." 

"You're kidding me right. You're mad because Im trying to follow my dreams? What kind of girlfriend are you!"

The rise of his voice suprised me. 

"Im mad because you lied to me! You arent suppose to lie to your girlfriend!" 

"Well maybe you shouldnt be my girlfriend then!"

My heart dropped at his words. 

"If that's what you want then fine. That was all you had to say." 

He didnt even look me in the eyes as he grabbed his phone and walked out the door. I felt the tears come as the realization of what just happened hit me. 

Luke and I were over. 

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