"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I woke up to Luke screaming before he completely smashed me under his body weight.
I was turning 17 today.
"Luke, I cant breathe. Please get off of me." I begged as I struggled to fill my lungs with air.
Luke rolled off of me and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his chest.
"What do you want to do today? We can do anything, it's 100% your choice. Today is all about you."
I grinned mischieviously.
"Lets go to the Theme Park." Luke's face dropped but quickly went straight back into the smile that I loved so much.
"Your wish is my comand. Be ready in an hour. Ill come back and pick you up after I go home and change and grab my wallet." Luke gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left.
I had been trying to convince Luke to go to the Theme Park with me since I met him. I knew he didn't want to go because he was afraid of something but he would never tell me what. So I was going to take complete advantage of today to figure it out and help him get over his fear.
I decided to just wear casual clothes today since we would be doing lots of walking and riding rides. I went through my wardrobe and decided on a pair of blue jean highwaisted shorts, a spaghetti strap maroon crop top, and my black vans.
I didnt want to leave my hair down because the wind from the rides would make it into a tangled mess. But I also wanted it to look cute. I compromised on a high messy bun with a few loose strands hanging to the side. I also put on some eyeliner, mascara, and blush.
Luke told me that he would be here to pick me up in a hour but it had already been and hour and a half and he still wasnt here.
Finally I saw his car pull up and I headed out the front door. Luke got out and came around to open the door for me. When he opened it I saw a little box and a dozen roses sitting in the passengers seat.
"Sorry I'm late, I had to pick a few things up." Luke said and sent me his signiture wink.
I picked up the box and took the top off to reveal two little pieces of paper. I didnt realize what they were until I pulled them out and saw what they said. Two tickets to see Mayday Parade front row in concert.
"Luke, wow. This is amazing. Thank you so much." I pulled him into my arms.
"Anything for you." I picked up the roses and sat down as he closed the door behind me.
The drive to the Theme Park took us two hours and the entire way there I made Luke listen to my whole One Direction playlist. Suprisingly he really liked it.
"One day I'm gonna see them in concert." I said four songs into the playlist.
"I think I saw something on Twitter about them coming next year for another tour. You should get tickets."
"Will you come with me?" I asked him as I intertwined our fingers.
"I'd go anywhere with you." He said as he rubbed his thumb on my hand.
The rest of the ride we sat there in silence listening to the music fill up the car. Once we finally pulled up we got out of the car and headed for the long line.
As we stood in line I looked behind me to see a group of three boys around my age staring straight at me. One of them whispered something to the other ones and they all laughed and smirked at each other. I was already self conscious enough, I didnt need other people talking about me.
I did my best to brush it off and ignore them, but I could feel their eyes on my back. Luke had went to go buy the tickets so I was standing here all alone. That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and stood face to face with one of the guys that had been staring at me.
"So, I just have one question. Whats a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" The guy asked me.
"Shes not alone so I suggest that you walk away." Luke walked up behind me and slung his arm over my shoulders.
Not another word came out of the guys mouth as he turned around and hurried back to the other two.
"Aw was that jealousy I just heard?" I teased Luke.
"Shut up." Luke blushed and grabbed my hand pulling me to the gates.
The first ride we went to was the swings. We got hooked in and the ride started to go up. As we started to swing around I felt myself suddenly relax. I loved Theme Parks. The rides made me feel so free.
We got off the swings and Luke insisted that he play a game and win me a huge stuffed animal so we went to the ring toss booth. Luke gave the man two dollars and got his handful of rings. He tossed the first one and missed completely. I laughed at him and he gave me a dirty look.
After missing with all of his rings I started pulling him away from the booth.
"Where are we going?" Luke looked at me confused.
"To the rollercoaster duh."
Luke's went as pale as a ghost and he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Luke, whats wrong?" I tried pulling him but he wouldnt budge.
"Oh my god. You're afraid of roller coasters arent you!" I couldnt hold back my laugh.
"Dont laugh at me. This is why I didnt want to come." Luke pulled his hand out of mine and walked over to the bench on the other side of the path.
I felt terrible so I walked over and sat down beside him.
"Im sorry, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Its nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of people are afraid of roller coasters." I tried to make him feel better.
"Not 17 year old boys." Luke said as he put his head in his hands.
"Luke, look at me." He lifted his head out of his hands and his eyes met mine. "You wanna know something. Its okay to be afraid. Because being afraid means that you can feel and feeling lets you know that you're alive."
He didn't say anything. He just grabbed my face and connected our lips. When he pulled away he kept our foreheads pressed together.
"Okay, lets go." He grabbed my hand and we ran over to the roller coaster. I felt like a little kid again.
Luke never let go of my hand the whole ride. Once we got off, we went and got some cotton candy and sat down.
"Thank you." I heard Luke whisper after a few minutes.
"For what?" I asked.

The Reason/ 5SOS & 1D
FanfictionThis story isnt about depression, or self harm, or anything like that. This story is something everyone can relate to. This story is real.