Manfred Von Karma's Visitor

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Summery: Miles Edgeworth pays a visit to Manfred Von Karma in order to gain the files of the IS-7 Case. As expected, his former mentor isn't willing to give that information away so easily. Though, this simple visitation may reveal a hidden weakness inside the stubborn-headed mentor that not even he is aware of.

Miles Edgeworth was waiting outside the door of the Detection Center where he would meet him. How long has it been since they've last spoken. Knowing the truth about the DL-6 certainly left a bitter taste in Edgeworth's mouth about the man. It wasn't something that could be forgiven, murdering your father. To think that this man was once admired in Edgeworth's eyes for seven or so long years. Why did he ever look up to this man? It wasn't like Edgeworth was naive about what this man did behind closed doors.

"What are you so nervous about? It's just Father," Franziska said in her usual stern, but calm voice.

"Hmph," Edgeworth responded,folding his arms. Him and Fransizka often treated each other coldly, but both knew how the other one felt.

"Wow, this tense atmosphere is making Uncle Ray very nervous," Raymond said with his playful grin, trying to break the ice.

Raymond Shields needed to ask the young prosecutor a simple request: files from the IS-7 case. Of course,Raymond had the files from Gregory Edgeworth, but there was also need for the files from the prosecution's side. Unfortunately, Manfred Von Karma never trusted his files to anyone and the only witnesses of those files were his students. Even just simply retrieving them wasn't easy, since that required a key to his household and a filing cabinet that required a thumbprint and voice activation. Even the emergency activation to that filing cabinet was hidden. Thus, the reason why Miles Edgeworth and Franziska Von Karma were to visit their former mentor and Franziska's father.

Kay did offer her assistance to steal that information, using her father's gadgets, but Edgeworth preferred to avoid stooping to illegal tactics. He'd rather talk to his old mentor and hope that his mood was well enough to allow entrance. It was unlikely. Knowing the man, he would be quite difficult. Manfred Von Karma never trusted anyone, not even his own family, to his files or work. No one even knew the location of his Will, if he had one. To live a life without trusting anyone, it was enough to make anyone bitter at the world itself.

Raymond looked over at Franziska, then Edgeworth. It was very clear how forced those furrowed eyebrows were. He saw them in Gregory before. He always made that look when he was hiding his true feelings. It was to prevent young Raymond at the time from worrying. Thus, Raymond grinned at the young prosecutor.

"Hey, no need to be tense like that,Prosecutor Edgeworth. You're going to break your face one of these days," Raymond teased.

"Har har," Edgeworth muttered under his breath, looking over at the door with his arms still crossed.

"Alright, alright, you got me. You just remind me so much of your father. He got like that when he was hiding his true feelings. If you're nervous or scared, it's totally normal. You can tell Uncle Ray."

"I'm fi- I'm not scared, if that's what you're wondering," Edgeworth replied, looking awestruck for a second before returning his face to being tense.

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