Hostage Exchange

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Summary: Having doubts about Athena Cykes' innocence, Apollo gets a visit from a worried Trucy. During this short series of events from being held hostage to bargaining with Ms. Blackquill, Apollo starts to learn that he's not alone or doesn't have to be. There are people out there to turn to that understand him more than he realizes.

Apollo was inside the Space Museum of the Space Center beside himself. For as long as he could remember, he always had someone to turn to when he began feeling a shred of doubt. Losing Clay became the breaking point. It wasn't enough to just simply defend Mr. Starbuck. He couldn't stop himself from turning his suspicions on his colleague, whom he was supposed to turn to for help.

He couldn't turn to his boss, Phoenix Wright stubbornly believed in his clients and colleagues no matter how much damning evidence were thrown his way. It's no surprise he was going to defend Athena. Ema was currently studying in Europe to follow her dream of becoming an official Forensics Detective. Clay was dead and Mr. Starbuck was too depressed to open up to. Klavier was a definite no. There was always contacting his family back at home, but the last he tried to get a hold of them, he never heard back from them. Last he heard, his foster father was missing and there was no telling what was going on with his brother at the moment.

For the first time in his life, Apollo felt completely alone. The Wright Anything Agency became his family. Ever since his other family became missing in action, he thought he finally found a family that would never disappear on him. In a way, all of them lost their families in some shape or form. Of course, Apollo lost his father when he was an infant, but his foster one was missing and never heard from at some point during High School. For Phoenix, he had lost his parents a long time ago and lived his life in an orphanage until college. From the moment he stepped into the office, that became his home and family. Trucy had also lost her family from very unfortunate and unfair events. It seemed to be the same for Athena. Ever since the death of her mother, it seemed like everyone left her. Of course, she lived with relatives back in Liechtenstein, but it was so far away and the time difference prevented them from speaking much. It was also expensive to travel to.

Apollo wanted to believe in Athena. He really did. During these past months they've come to know each other, Apollo had truly accepted Athena as an important friend and partner. He knew there was no motive or reason for why Athena would kill Clay, but all the evidence kept pointing to her. The fingerprints on the lighter became the final straw that brought Athena to where she was. Of course, Ms. Blackquill had suspected Athena from day 1, though Apollo could sense more bitterness in her heart blinding her from thinking rationally. He could understand. Her brother about to be sent to the gallows, because he was protecting Athena. He was certain she had adored and loved Athena at one point, but the possibility that she could've killed her friend was killing her on the inside for these past seven years. It would be impossible for that bitterness to not blind her toward her true feelings for Athena.

Feeling his fist shaking in frustration, Apollo swung it at a nearby wall, sending a loud banging noise. The wall was metal. This whole ordeal was frustrating. Why couldn't this be so simple? Why couldn't there be conclusive evidence against someone else, anyone? Why did it have to be someone so close to Apollo?

"Polly?" Apollo heard a voice.

He jumped, turning directly toward the entrance of the Space Museum. It was Trucy, but why?

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