Why Pheonix Wright Indeed

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Summary: When picking up Kay Faraday to drive to an Anime Con, Miles Edgeworth finds someone at Edgeworth Law Offices pleading for the defense of a particularly odd friend. Raymond Shields may not be able to take her defense, but the Chief Prosecutor knows someone that will.
Midquel to Why Phoenix Wright?

Miles Edgeworth wasn't one for vacations normally. One would even say that he was married to his job. Of course, that was utter nonsense. He just simply wasn't one to waste time when it came to his work. He wasn't married or had children, so Edgeworth had the most time out of his day. That wasn't to say he never took vacations or spent time with family and friends when he had the chance. This was one of those days.

Being Chief Prosecutor meant Edgeworth could be flexible with his work schedule. He promised Kay he'd bring her to the Jammin' Ninja Panel at an Anime Con. He had his cosplay inside the trunk of his car, not that he'd ever admit to having one or going to a convention for nerds. Only a few knew he went and Kay was one of them. She also had her cosplay. Last time, she went as the Warrior Princess, the love interest of Jammin' Ninja. Edgeworth wasn't sure who she was going to dress up as this year.

After parking his car, Edgeworth went up to Edgeworth Law Offices and knocked on the door. Kay had started working here as a full-fledged Defense Attorney under Raymond Shields. According to Kay, since she had established her Yatagaratsu Team with Edgeworth and Gumshoe as the Prosecutor and Detective, she decided to fill in for the Defense Attorney role. Edgeworth thought it was utterly ridiculous, but Kay insisted. She enjoyed working there and defending clients. Luckily, Edgeworth never had to Prosecute against Kay's clients, since the Prosecutor that Kay went up against was often Sebastian Debeste. It was rare that Edgeworth would go up against a District Attorney anyways.

The door opened and Kay grinned in her newly updated Yatagaratsu outfit. She wore her usual black skirt and calf boots, but now she wore a bright pink blouse under a leather half-sleeved midriff jacket with fingerless brown gloves. Her ponytail was more professional without that key in her hair, but now she had a long strapped brown purse that crossed around her neck and over her shoulder. Kay's Defense Attorney's badge shined brightly upon the lapel of her jacket.

"You came just in time, Mr. Edgeworth! I just clocked out. It's been slow over here," Kay said.

"I'm surprised Mr. Shields allows you to get off early," Edgeworth stated.

"He's very easy going. Also, as I said, it's been slow here."

"Is that so?" Edgeworth asked, raising an eyebrow as he spotted a very strange looking client dressed in a pirate outfit.

"Oh, she literally just came in. There was no one here for like ever. Mr. Shields said he'd take this one."

"What do ya mean you won't take her!?" The woman yelled.

"Or... not?" Kay said, her eyes widened in surprise. She was certain her boss would take this one. Edgeworth just furrowed his eyebrows.

"H-Hey, settle down there, Sashy-Pie. I just... you know, I'm not good with that sort of thing. I normally take in clients that I can... um..."

"You too!? Man, it's like that with all you lawyers! Orla is just as human as you and I!" The client complained.

"Hey, I thought you said you'd take Sasha. You even insisted," Kay pouted.

"It's not what you think! The client she wants me to defend is a um... a whale," Mr. Shields explained.

"A whale?"

"A killer whale to be precise."

"What is going on?" Edgeworth asked.

"Hmph, I'm trying to find an attorney to save Orla. She's my best friend and a gentle creature. She's been framed for murdering the Captain and they're going to put her down. I've been trying to get an Attorney that'd take her all day, but each and every one of them sea urchins won't take her! Not even this cod!" Sasha complained, pointing to Mr. Shields, who started sweating bullets.

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