Prickly Lady

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EDIT: I know these pics are of Phoenix Wright and female Edgeworth in their outfits after Apollo Justice, but I couldn't find any other accurate pictures that fit the story. Also, most of the female Edgeworth pictures make her way too manly. I wanted one that seemed more womanly. That being said, Miley Edgeworth in this story does not wear this outfit. I will get into detail about the outfit just to give you an idea.

Summary: Phoenix had been dating Miley Edgeworth for a while and wants to decide what gift to give her to show his love for her. After a bike ride and coming across a familiar park, he finds the answer. A gift that is sweet and will bring back one of Miley's best memories of her childhood.

Female Edgeworth and Wrightworth AU

Phoenix had just finished his date. He hadn't started dating or finding love since college, and that was many years ago. Even so, the beauty he went out with wasn't exactly an orthodox choice, thus why the duo decided to go out at a different district in order to not to sickout. Phoenix was already gaining publicity from his previous major cases and his date already made a name for herself with all of the scandals. Dating a Defense Attorney would be just another scandal to add to the list, especially if that date was her well known rival in the district. Of course, she's faced other Defense Attorneys in a majority of her cases, but Phoenix was the most famous one.

Miley Edgeworth knew this was far too early, after the Matt Engarde case, to be dating Phoenix Wright, but she never could say no to those puppy dog eyes. Not to mention, she was a lady and ladies seemed to have this common trait of falling head over heels over their knight in shining armor. Hers just happened to be her disasterly foolish friend that had been pining her since she obtained her Prosecutor's Badge. Normally, dating your best friend seemed like disaster waiting to happen, if it didn't work out, but she couldn't find how her relationship with the man can be worse than avoiding him for 15 years before insulting him, pushing him away, leaving a Death Note before running off to Germany, then coming back only to see hate in his eyes. At this point, rejection or bad relationship felt like a small bee sting by comparison. It was probably why they finally decided to go out.

The date was at a simple tea shop that served good food. Phoenix and Miley enjoyed themselves, both relaxed and talking normally without spouting insults or Objections. It dawned on Phoenix how much he needed this, a simple relaxing time where he didn't have to worry about murder cases or paperwork and boy was there a lot of paperwork. He hadn't felt this excited about being with another woman since his first girlfriend. At least he knew Miley would never poison him. Her words were sharp enough to slit your throat, but she would never harm anyone. That much Phoenix knew.

Afterwards, they headed home, Miley driving them both home of course. Miley tend to wear her normal scarlet outfit she wore on every trial. It was a scarlet Victorian dress with a V shaped neckline over what looked to be like a ruffled snow white blouse undershirt. A rather large scarlet bow was placed on the collar of the undershirt that was turtleneck. The skirt part of the dress wrapped gracefully and neatly over the petticoat, though the skirt only reached two inches passed the knees.There was a black belt that wrapped around the dress and made a neat bow on the back. The dress' sleeves were wrapped tightly around Miley's arms to her wrist with the shoulders showing two soft puffs. Miley's hair, of course, was pulled back into a neat bun with two strands on each side of her face reaching down, almost touching, her blood red lips.

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