Dear Journal

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Summary: Gregory Edgeworth, before his death, wrote on his journal about a certain case and a certain woman that made him walk the path of truth and change his career as a Defense Attorney. Unfortunately, this story does not have a happy ending and will become Gregory's biggest regret he had in his entire life.

If you are reading this journal right now, that must mean I passed away before the fifteen year stature of limitation. You have to understand that the man you are reading about is not the man know now. Regardless, you deserve the truth and I will give you the full truth of what happened on April 12, 1990 – 1992. This story is a story about a woman, who changed my life for the better. This very same woman I also led to her death by my very own hands. If only I had known back then what I know today, if only I had set her to her death.

Her name was Rachel Neuslayday. She was a reporter for the Timely News. She came as bold and sophisticated. I had always been envious of the way she looked at me with those icy eyes that sent chills down my spine. Yet, she was blunt. Her voice cut you like a samurai's blade. Her hair was often pulled back, glittering with a snow color that went well with her velvet suit and skirt. Yet, when she smiled, it was always filled with strong confidence. I always saw her picture on the newspaper, never paying that much attention, but she was very popular among the people of the district.

I wasn't as brilliant as Rachel was, I was a detective, the Chief Detective Gregory Edgeworth. I grew up under rough conditions with my father before using my hardworking money I got from selling hard drugs to study law, then went to boot camp. From there, I entered as a police officer before working my way up to becoming a Detective, then Chief Detective. I constantly worked to the bone to get where I was at. There's nothing more satisfying than knowing you were able to work out of the slums of Las Angeles with your own two hands. That's what I thought at the time.

As a Detective, I worked alongside Prosecutor Blaise Debeste. We go far back to when we studied together at Themis Legal Academy, which had a Detective curriculum at the time. We studied law, but he was studying to become a Prosecuting Attorney. I studied to become a Detective. He wasn't very smart, so I often made up for what he couldn't achieve. With my help, I was able to help him get where he is now. Where he lacks in smarts, I made up for that. Where I lacked in social skills and money, he made up for me. We were like bread and butter.

I had a sidekick or an Assistant Detective under me, Detective Badd. He is the most loyal detective you will find on the force. I'd recommend him to anyone, even now while he still thinks negatively of me. I don't blame him for not forgiving me, after everything I've done. I did keep a lot of what I did under the rug until the time was right. I already have enough regrets as it is. I'm sure, whoever reads this, will eventually tell him or he will know, if he inherits this journal after my death.

I suppose it's time I started things off at the beginning. I was in my office checking in reports and anything filed on record. Much of this I worked on was from Chief Prosecutor Debeste. The case he was working on at the time was a defendant accused of manslaughter. Many of his cases were typical, but sometimes they weren't. He often would inform me if certain cases needed to be placed in his favor. In other words, forgery.

Even now, the fact I was involved in that and proudly worked with him sickens me. I only did so, because I owed him my livelihood. I was where I was because of him. He came from old money and had power and influence. This was what I did not have. Because of him, I landed the job I was at, Chief Detective. The same was vice versa with him, due to cheating for him on his tests at the University. I was proud of my work, even the forgeries I was able to accomplish.

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