Late Drunk Night

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Summary: Apollo comes to the office after hours and finds his boss half drunk on the couch. While helping get his boss somewhat sober again, he hears Phoenix's stories about his days before losing his badge and longing for those days of spending time with friends.

It had been a long day with Phoenix having just returned from work at the Borscht Bowl Club. He was certain Trucy and Apollo closed the Agency for the day as usual at 7:00 PM. It was about 8:30 PM right about now. Phoenix unlocked and opened the office door, closing it behind him, before plopping onto the couch with his usual bottle of wine that was almost gone. He was thankful the Borscht Club allowed free drinks to all employees and his favorite drink.

Phoenix was pretty used to doing this. It wasn't like he was going to be getting his badge and returning to being a lawyer anytime soon. Though, it was starting to get a bit lonely. Now, with Kristoph behind bars, Phoenix only had Trucy and Apollo to keep him company; mostly Trucy. Apollo was still not happy about that little card trick Phoenix pulled, after helping him prove his former mentor's guilt. Well, it wasn't like that would matter anymore. Everyone thought he was a fraud anyways.

Phoenix got out his phone, pulling out his Contact list. Edgeworth and Larry were the first to come up. He really didn't want to talk to those guys right now. They would always ask if he was drunk-calling again, he'd deny it, Larry would try to hook him up with some girl, Edgeworth would start complaining and being grumpy, then he'd pass out. Franziska was definitely a no. She'd just be calling him foolish fool or something like that, which gave him a headache when Phoenix started feeling like this. Gumshoe was a no. He'd just be like 'you better not be driving, Pal! I'll arrest you on the spot!' even though he knows Phoenix doesn't have a driver's license or a car. Maya was the next. She was always worried about him and has been growing more worried as the days pass. Pearl was a good companion, but Phoenix didn't want to make Maya have to leave her training for him.

Giving up, Phoenix sighed, then threw his phone across the couch. Just as he began resting his eyes, he heard the door unlock, then open. Startled, he opened his eyes to see if it was a burglar or not. It was just Apollo.

"Oh, Mr. Wright, sorry I left my... why are the lights off?" Apollo asked, noticing his mentor never turned on the lights.

"Eh? I don' know."

"Ugh, here," Apollo replied, annoyed, as he turned on the lights. The light was burning Phoenix's eyes, since it was dark as night in the office with the sun having gone down. Apollo picked up his Attorney's Badge he left on the desk before turning to Phoenix, whose eyes were now fully adjusted. "...are you drunk?"

"You too, huh?" Phoenix muttered, staring at the ceiling. He didn't even notice Apollo snatching the empty wine bottle.

"I'll get you some water," Apollo said as he made his way to the facet to fill a cup of water. He then returned back and handed it to his mentor.

"Thank you," Phoenix replied, drinking the water, then smiling a bit. "Would you like to stay for a while?"

"I... suppose," Apollo replied awkwardly, taking a seat on the couch next to Phoenix. "How was the Borscht Club? Got any customers?"

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