Why Phoenix Wright?

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Summery: While investigating, Blackquill is paid a visit by his boss, the Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. Talking with him, Blackquill begins his mission to better understand his opponent, Phoenix Wright, before trial. What his boss tells him gives the inmate prosecutor a different perspective of who Phoenix Wright is as a lawyer and person.

Investigations were normal procedures for all prosecutors and it was no different with him, but with all the limitations that came with this agreement in returning back to law, he still felt it was nothing more than a hindrance. His boss certainly was no laughing matter, even with how unorthodox he can be at times. Being a prosecutor was something he always took pride in, but the handcuffs, that was something entirely different. Being an inmate stripped him of everything he loved and held dear. Perhaps, that's why he felt so envious of Wright. At least he was a free man and was able to adopt his protected. Blackquill couldn't get any adoption papers to take in Athena, if he tried. Luckily, her father immigrated from Switzerland before his death, so there was still existing family there that seemed more accustomed to her powers.

Blackquill had never faced off against Phoenix Wright before. This one was his first case he ever had with him. Though, he knew of the man and about his badge being stripped from him for forged evidence that started the Dark Age of Law. He still remembered it and how even he had believed this man forged evidence. After all, he admitted this to the Bar Association, but Blackquill's colleague passionately believed in the man's innocence. Yet, there was little he could do no matter how passionately he spoke. He warned the entire Prosecution of the trap that was laid before them and how, if gone ignored, the people will eventually lose their trust in the government and law. Blackquill should have listened.

This same man, who believed in the innocence of Phoenix Wright, was like Aura. Once Blackquill found himself behind bars, she didn't believe in the verdict and that the case needed to be investigated some more and retried. Perhaps, had the police listened to her, Blackquill would still believe that there was still hope, but that was not how this country's courts worked. If no one would listen to his colleague about Wright's innocence, why would they listen to some woman that worked for a Space Department in LA? It is now seven years too late and his execution date was coming close. At the very least, he could work as a humble prosecutor before being hung.

During his usual investigation, Blackquill was certain that Wright would return back, while the defendant Sasha tried looking for an attorney. After all, he defended the orca and proved the whale's innocence. He came what he was paid to do and certainly, this lady would not have the extra money to give herself any defenses. Blackquill was not stupid. Yet, he found the attorney investigating along with Athena as his partner. He even questioned the defendant and she had sweated when he asked about how much she'd pay for herself to be defended. She didn't have the finances. So, why is he still investigating?

Not to say Blackquill was greedy or believed all lawyers were money hungry, but he knew the truth of reality. No strings were ever left unattached. When every attorney offered to take his case, once Blackquill brought out that he would not pay any of them, they all walked away. He didn't blame them. It was how they could make aliving and bring food to the table. He wasn't so thoughtless as to expect that anyone that refused to work without pay to be heartless and greedy. Phoenix Wright was a single father caring for a teenage daughter that he loved and cared for. Blackquill saw it in the small locket the man kept in his breast pocket that was connected to a chain. It was why he mentioned payment to the defendant. Blackquill didn't want her to believe she can just selfishly expect the man to defend her without pay when he's got mouths to feed on top of two other employees under his belt.

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