Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth

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Summary: Miles Edgeworth gets a call from the head of the PIC for a promotion as Chief Prosecutor. As the High Prosecutor makes his final decision on this new promotion, he decides to go a new direction with this and reflect the teachings of someone else, besides Manfred Von Karma.

"Do you have any idea what's going to happen now?"

"Who knows? I hear Prosecutor Gavin is in hot water after that last trial. The Chief even gave him one serious salary cut after that jury trial."

"HA! I knew those Gavin's couldn't be trusted. Birds of a feather flock together as they say."

"I know and now the Chief Prosecutor has to step down. Pfft, I almost feel sorry for the guy."

"Same. He's taking the fall for all of us, even for that Prosecutor Gavin. I never liked the guy."

"Me neither."

Edgeworth almost sighed. It seemed like rumors were spreading like wildfire among the prosecutors. It was common that the prosecutors were all a big circle, so it was very easy for rumors to spread among the legal circles. Sometimes, judges would join in, but that was a rare occasion and a majority of them that did were former prosecutors. It was mainly because the Prosecution Building was near the Courthouse and the Grand Tower.

"Hm, it looks like I missed something big. I almost feel sad for dear Klavier," Sebastian said almost smugly, sitting at the table across from Winston Payne. The smugness practically annoyed Edgeworth, but the young prosecutor had improved since their first meeting and had become very reliable.

"Hehehe that's the harsh reality of the prosecution circle. It can get pretty messy when you leave a bad record on you. You can ask Mr. Edgeworth here," Winston smirked slightly.

"Hopefully, Klavier will have a head on his shoulder. Compared to my situation, he has band mates and a mentor of sorts that won't toss him under the bus," Edgeworth sighed, shaking his head.

"I suppose that's true. Personally, I don't blame the man for what he did. That was his brother, after all. He was as close with Kristoph as you were with that Wright fellow," Winston said.

"I wouldn't go that far, but I have known him, since we were kids. It did have some Conflict of Interest, but we signed the paperwork and there was never any issues with the defendant and judge. Kristoph Gavin just happened to be unlucky enough to be signed to a client that didn't trust his relation to the prosecution. Speaking of Wright, that man isn't interested in getting back into law. I suppose he still wants to focus on his daughter's education and career. Considering he has Mr. Justice, it's understandable," Edgeworth sighed, sipping his tea.

"A shame. I was looking forward to a trial with him."

"I could always go up against him, Mr. Edgeworth. I may not be you, but I am curious to see how he pars with me," Sebastian stated.

"Charming, but he deals with homicide cases, not Kidnapping and Domestic Abuse," Edgeworth pointed out.

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