Part 3

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I sat on my bed with my notepad jotting down some bits from my research when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I closed my notepad and put my pen down as the door opened to reveal Chase, "oh, hi."

"Hi" he stayed at the door, hands in his jeans pockets and looked down at the floor, "your mum let me in. She's a little -"

"Crazy?" I smiled

"I was going to say friendly" he walked in, finally, and closed the door.

"Of course you were" I nodded as I sat at the edge of the bed and Chase joined me.

"When did you get back?" Chase asked as he looked at the floor and not at me. Why won't he look at me!?

"Few weeks ago." I paused, "I wanted to see you guys, but it was hard."

We sat in silence. I hated it. "Scarlet seems nice."

"She is. She really is" He paused before continuing, fiddling with his fingers in his lap "she's studying to be a vet."

"Wow" I said trying to sound impressed....I mean, I was; she must be really smart. But at the same time I didn't want to oversell and Chase think I'm being sarcastic.

"Yeah, she loves animals. It's how we met. She was dog walking for the Amber Beach Vets and one get loose near the skatepark. I managed to grab him and bring him back to Scarlet."

"And you hit it off." I added for him, starting to show that I wasn't happy with the situation.

I didn't expect him to wait around for me, no. I really didn't. But it did hurt that he had managed to find someone the COMPLETE opposite of me and be happy. If he's so into her, why was he ever in to me?

"I missed you" He said still not looking at me, "I mean, well, we all missed you." He tried to save it but failed miserably.

"I missed you too" I whispered, letting a slither of vulnerability leak out.

"So, why're you back?" He finally looked up to me. His eyes were just as gorgeous as ever; deep brown that had strands of a lighter brown running through them. I really had missed him, more than I will probably ever admit.

"Well, it all started about 17 months ago...."

Elements - Book II - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now