Part 24

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I lay on my bed that night and looked at my board with information about the Air Sphere. None of it added up to Heckyl. I sighed and jumped up, propelling me to the board and ripping it down. Throwing it against the wall on the opposite side and letting out a loud scream before falling - face first - back onto my bed.

I heard my door open, "you ok sweetie?" My mums voice came from the door. I turned my head to look at her.

"I don't know." I sighed and got up as mum came into my room, closing the door.

"Talk to me" she smiled and sat next to me.

"Ok." I posed as I thought of a way to tell her everything, without telling her anything. "If you could get back at an ex, would you?"

"Is this about Chase? Because he's gorgeous and - "

"Ok mum! Enough of your weird crush!" I sighed again, falling backwards into my bed, again. "Would you though? Would you get back at an ex?"

"Depends. Did he hurt me?" She asked

I nodded

"Do I still love him?"

Another nod

"Does he still love me?"

"Don't know. But he has a new girlfriend so, probably not." My mum was quiet for a moment. "He told you he loved you and then went running off for a date with his girlfriend."

"Maybe I would. Especially if it was still really raw. When your dad left, I wanted to hurt him. A lot. Like he hurt me and you guys. But over time that faded and I moved on from the anger." She got up and took my head in her hands, "give it time and you'll move on. No need to hurt another to make yourself feel better."

"But, what if it'll help a lot of people?"

"I can't see how hurting one person will help a lot of others. Unless you were a superhero and taking down someone that wanted to destroy the city." She giggled to herself before kissing my forehead and leaving the room.

Well, with the Spheres would kinda make me a superhero. I'll be bringing peace to Earth. But Chase doesn't want to destroy the city. Heckyl does. And with an energem he'll be closer to that goal. But I'll have the Spheres. All of them.

But I can't hurt Chase.... Can I?

Elements - Book II - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now