Part 17

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"Heckyl." I breathed out.

"Of course baby." He smirked, "when I heard you were back, I just had to come say hi."

I looked up to him as he leaned down, resting his hands on the chair arms. Something shimmery caught my eye, so I looked down and round his neck there it was; a perfectly round stone. The Air Sphere! He obviously saw the look on my face as he frowned at me and tilted his head to the side.

"What? Why you looking at me like that?"

"No reason" I said a little too quickly. Maybe I can win him over....I pretty much did before.... "well, ok. I was just thinking about last time and then I started to get a little emotional how things ended. I guess I missed you while I was away. So I was a little shocked to think that."

He looked me up and down, well, the best you can while being strapped to a chair! Omg he knows I'm lying.

"Really?" He mumbled quietly before sitting on the floor in front of me. "Mmmmm, interesting."

"Why? Why's that interesting?"

"Well, you think you're lying. But you're not." He smirked as he rubbed his hands together, "and to be honest, kinda missed you."



He nodded before looking down to the cold cement floor underneath us, "I mean, why wouldn't I? You're amazing." He looked up and locked eyes with me.

"No, I'm not." I whispered. I could feel the Water Sphere getting wet in my back pocket, I completely forgot they were there.

"But you are" he tilted his head to the side, "has no one told you that before?" I shook my head and tried to hold back the tears, keep the lump in my throat down. "You're powerful, loyal, so kind and generous. I mean, you saw the good in me" he chuckled, "and I'm a bad guy." His harsh smile changed to a soft one, "but you saw the good underneath. I didn't even know it was there." Heckyl stood up and walked back over to me, leaning down and stroking my cheek gently before whispering, "not to mention, you are incredibly beautiful."

My breath got caught in my throat - somewhere behind the lump I guess - as Heckyl leaned in closer and lightly touched my lips with his.

My body reacted before my mind could; my heart beat quickened, I felt weak in the knees...the stones were silent. Pure bliss. How could I feel this way with Heckyl?

He pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes again, "do you still want Black Ranger?"

Elements - Book II - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now