Part 23

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The next day I sat in the cafe with a milkshake, thinking about what Heckyl and I discussed until late in to the night.

I wanted the Air Sphere more then anything, but to go against Chase? I couldn't...

Just as I was drifting back off into my own thoughts, in came Chase with Scarlet.

Yeah I think I could

My blood boiled and I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier as they laughed and kissed. It drove me mad how they could be like that, how HE could be like that after...well, you know! He was acting as if it never happened. She deserves to know, right? Or will she just think I was being a jealous ex girlfriend?

"Kylie! Look what I found." I turned to see Riley running over with his laptop in hand, Tyler following him.

"What WE found" Tyler smiled as they both slid in the booth next to me, "It's about the Spheres."

Riley opened up his laptop and a page to show information about the Spheres.

"How did you find this?" I questioned as I skimmed through the information, looking at pictures of drawings showing the affects of the Spheres.

"Just random words and going back to the last page on the search engine" Riley smiled as I moved the page down, "It tells you what they believe the spheres do. How they work, everything!"

"Oh my god I could kiss you!" I shouted happily turning to Riley

"Maybe Not again."

"Again!?" Tyler questioned, looking very confused.

"Long story. But maybe a hug?" I hugged both boys as Chase and Scarlet came skipping over. My excitement dimmed and the rage built up again.

"Hey, What's going on?" Scarlet beamed at the three of us, he hand linked with his

"Apparently Riley and Kylie kissed" Tyler popped up before either of us could say anything.

"What? When? Why?" Chase questioned looking between the two of us

"Erm...we er..." Riley and I stuttered

"Oh my god how cute! But oh, I can't do a cute couple name for the two of you." Scarlet pouted

"Couple name?"

"Yeah, like we're Charlet. And Tyler and Shelby or Tylby. I did think Shelber but it didn't sound cute."

I looked at the boys. They were not impressed. "Well, we're not an item so don't need to think of any names, cute or otherwise. We are Riley and Kylie. Two separate people."

Though you could mush Kylie and Heckyl. Hecklie?? ..... oh my god what am I thinking!?

Elements - Book II - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now