Part 30

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I was hurting. Bad. I thought these Spheres were suppose to protect me!? I didn't feel protected. My hip hurt, my lip felt huge and I kept spitting out blood. Not to mention the cuts and scrapes along my arms and legs, good day to wear shorts Kylie!

I managed to lift my head up off the cold metal floor to see Chase lying in the middle of the room. I was too weak to even call out his name.

I looked round and saw Heckyl standing with his back to us and Scarlet by his side. How DARE he!! How dare SHE!

From the corner of my eye something sparkled. Something flashed. I turned my head towards it, but I couldn't make it out. I slowly, and quietly, pulled myself along the floor towards it. Every time I moved, my hip stung. Pain shot from it up my spine and down to my toes.

I held in the tears as I got closer and noticed it was my Spheres. They had joined together with the Air Sphere and all of them were sparkling away. Shots of white, red, blue, green and pink swirled around with a sort of shimmer around them.

How did that happen!? I must have dropped them when I came in here. But we're they hiding? Did Heckyl know they had found the Air Sphere?

I smiled before grabbing them tightly, who cares how - I now had them all - and holding them close to my chest as I lay on my back. "Please help. I can't do this alone." I whispered. Not knowing who to. I guess the Spheres. I mean, they could understand my feelings, so why couldn't they hear me?

And they could.

A warm sensation waved through my body from my chest. The pain had gone everywhere and I felt like I had just woke from a 10 month hibernation.... or maybe a 10 million year hibernation. These Spheres were finally together and finally alive!

My eyes shot open and I stood up. The metal floor clanging beneath me, making Heckyl and Scarlet turn around, "you should have been more careful." I said automatically, not feeling like I had full control of myself.

"What are you doing?" Scarlet looked nervous, "Heckyl? What's she doing?"

"The Spheres have to be separate and not be free to find each other. Otherwise, I happen." I smiled as I moved closer to them.

"Kylie..." Heckyl started but my hands suddenly shot in front of me and some weird light came out, knocking the two of them off their feet.

"DON'T use my name! You don't deserve to." I wondered over a little more and saw Chases energem in Heckyls hand. I thought of the gem in my hand and, POP, it was there.

"How did you do that?" Heckyl asked, trying to get back on to his feet.

"I am Mother Earth. I will bring peace and harmony to the world. If I want it, so it shall be." Again, I felt like I had no control over what I was saying. But it was SO cool! "I suggest you go" they didn't move. "Ok then."

Without really thinking of what I was doing, I wondered back to Chase, held onto his hand and waved goodbye to Heckyl and Scarlet as we disappeared into the night.

We were back on Earth when I looked up to see Heckyls ship. It was further up than the normal eye could see, but for some reason I could now see it. And all the stars around. It was amazing. It was as if someone brought the whole universe closer, making me able to see everything. And boy could I!

I focused in the direction of Venus and there she was. I could see her turning slowly, the stars twinkling away around, dancing in the night.

I waved my hand towards their ship and it disappeared, flying off as fast as it could into the sky and beyond my vision.

"Gone. For good."

Elements - Book II - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now