Part 11

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It had been a few days since mine and Riley's date, and luckily no one had known we went out. I was so glad! The amount of questions the girls would've asked would have been ridiculous.

Today, I sat in the cafe with a milkshake in hand while I typed away online looking for more clues. But also researching and blogging.

Yes, my blog is still going. No, it's not the Rangers now. I blog about my travels; where I've been, what I see, who I meet. All throughout the travels I took hundreds and thousands of pictures, talked to everyone I met - I wanted to know their story but also to see if any of the urban myths they believe/tell hold any secrets to finding these gems. With all this information I decided to blog about it. Every week or so I pop up a post about someone or something new, I've even uploaded a few food posts; the wacky things I've tasted like jellied eel, crocodile, and frogs legs. And no, I wasn't in France for that one.

This blog helped me see this whole thing as a brilliant experience. Yes I'm looking for these gems and I'm freaking stressed, but I've been to so many beautiful countries that I wouldn't have gone to otherwise. And met some beautiful, strong people along the way. It's helped me grow as a person, helped me believe in myself a lot more.

I looked up from the laptop and saw Scarlet walk in with Chase.

Ok. A little more.

Her blonde hair glittered in the fluorescent light, blue eyes sparkled. Chase smiled and grabbed her in for a kiss. They looked happy. So happy.

Ok so I'm still working on this believing in myself thing. But at least I acknowledge that I have to do it. That's a start right?

They broke apart and looked towards me. Scarlet smiled brightly but Chases smile fell as they wondered over.

I took in a deep breath and pulled myself up straight just as Shelby slid along side me in the booth, "hey." She whispered just as they approached.

"Hi guys" Scarlet smiled, holding onto Chases hand and arm, "what are you doing tonight?"

"I was planning on going over Kylies. A little sleepover." Shelby replied. First I'm hearing of this.

"Well, why not come sleepover mine? I've asked Kendall too and she said she would love to. So how about it? Will you girls join?"

"What?" Chase shot Scarlet a surprised and shocked glance, "Shelby, and Kylie?"


"Yeah" she giggled, "she's all your friend so I want to get to know her."

Say no say no say no

"I'd love to."

Why do I never listen to me?

Chase snapped back to look at me, a look in his eyes as if this was a bad idea. What? Am I going to tell her he slept over? No! Well, not at her house.... if I was going to tell her that was. WHICH IM NOT!

"Oh yay!" She jumped on the spot and clapped happily, "I'm so excited! I don't have any girl friends so this will be my first sleepover!"

"Your first?" Shelby asked, rather shocked. I was too. She's gorgeous! Why wouldn't she have sleep overs in high school? With the "popular" girls?

"Yeah" she sighed but continued to smile. Pain dragged across her face for the few seconds we were all quite, "I'll grab some snacks and fizzy pop. Round mine at, say, 6?"

Me and Shelby nodded and Scarlet bounced out the door with an energetic wave. Chase still stood there for a moment in the yet again awkward silence.

"Oh, I think Tyler's shouting me." Shelby said as we heard no one shout her, "Yeah. Definitely. I'll catch up with you in a bit." She smiled at me and slid back out as quick as she came in.

Chase took her place within seconds and turned to face me, "don't tell Scarlet about the other night though, yeah?"

"I won't. I promise. I mean, it's not like it's ever gonna come up."

Elements - Book II - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now