Part 19

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My head was pounding as I gently moved my head and blinked a few times. I was back at the Hideaway with Shelby, Kendall and Ivan stood over me.

"Ah m'lady, you awake" Ivan beamed as our eyes met, "let me help." He took my hand and pulled me up so I could sit up and look round the room.

Tyler was sat on a chair with an ice pack on his leg and Chase was on a bed near to me, "Chase" I whispered, jumping down and moving over to him. I felt light headed as I reached him so grabbed hold of the edge to steady myself, "what's wrong? How is he? Is he ok?"

"He's fine, thanks to you." Kendall stood next to me, wrapping an arm round my shoulder, "Tyler said you blocked Heckyls bolt. That was really brave. If we hadn't found all the energems, I'd say you were deserving of being a Ranger." She smiled, trying to make me feel better. It didn't.

"Why isn't he awake then?" Tears we're starting to form in my eyes as there was no sign of him waking up.

"He's resting. The bolt that did hit him, took a lot out of him" Kendal took my arm and led me back to the bed, all the while I kept my eyes on Chase, "if he was hit again, I'm not sure he would be here."

"And with how Heckyl was and sounded, that was his plan." Tyler popped up in the background.

"Then why am I still here?" I quizzed everyone before Keeper appeared from behind us all.

"The Spheres will always protect you Kylie. While you have these Spheres, Nothing can harm you." He explained as he moved to stand next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "well, physically anyway." I looked up to him but he gave nothing away. I could tell he knew everything though; me and Chase, Riley, what I did to Scarlet.

"Kylie?" Chases voice whispered out above the silence.

"Chase" I breathed it a sigh of relief and ran over to him, "are you ok?" I touched his head, moving his hair out the way as his eyes fluttered open to look at me.

"Hi. Yeah I'm good." He gently sat up and shook his head, "Wow. That hurt."

"Chase, are you ok?" Kendal asked at his side, checking all his vitals

"Yeah, yeah I feel ok. Heads hurting a little but other then that I'm all good." He smiled before a look of panic spread across his face, "Oh my god!" He checked his watch, "I'm late for my date with Scarlet!" He jumped off the table and ran out the door, "see you guys later."

I watched him run out the door and continued to look that way long after he'd disappeared. What is with that guy!?

"He's up and down more often than a yo-yo" Riley chimes in. I looked over a little confused by the statement, "you know, yo-yo just go up and down..."

"I get it." I nodded back at him, but it was still weird.... but he wasn't wrong.

Elements - Book II - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now