"aren't we technically kidnapping someone?"

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<3 <3 <3 <3 

XD love y'all!


"....n! chan! lee chan, get your gay ass out of my car and take this fat idiot with you!"

"what? who's gay?"
chan shot up from his sleep, trying to remember who and where he was. and why the fuck where two handsome guys resting their heads on both of his shoulders-

"oh god." his cheeks became a mix between red and pink from the embarassment and he hurried away from changkyun and kihyun. but seungcheol's car wasn't that big and he only ended up tripping over kihyun's legs and fallig back into changkyun's lap.
>>oh god...<<

suddenly feeling a weight on him, changkyun began to wake up from his knock-out. his head was hurting like hell, his hands were tied behind his back with something thin, but strong - maybe it was still seungcheol's necklace - and someone was sitting on his lap. 
trying to open his eyes without dying from the pain rightaway, he tried to wriggle the handcuffs off, scolding kihyun for sitting in his lap at the same time. it technically couldn't be anyone else than his partner, right? 
"ki, get away from me!"

he felt the body of the other on his lap vibrating from laughter, which was kinda strange...kihyun never really laughed hard enough to be gasping for air like this guy...

ignoring the pain, he hastily opened his eyes.
just to be staring at someone who definitely wasn't kihyun, but someone way worse.

it was that guy that had slapped him. the one with the bagpack.

after finally calming down from his laughing, chan looked up to cahngkyun, only to meet the older's eyes.





they were just about to continue their screaming, when seungcheol - who was standing at the door - cut them off.
"guys, the neighbours are already looking. let's get you in the apartment without a chaos, okay?"

both of them nodded and changykun was just about to get out of the car, when he remembered everything. "wait! you're - you're kidnapping us!" "well, and you could technically kill us!", chan shot back.
the next thing changkyun knew, he felt a  sharp pain in his neck and everything went black.

seungkwan and hansol were just finished cleaning up the mess hansol called his room, when mingyu and wonwoo came in, carrying a bunch of blankets and pillows. 
"where do we put that?", mingyu asked, peeking over his tower of pillows. "just somewhere. they are prisoners, after all", wonwoo mumbled and just let his blankets fall to the ground.
seconds later, soonyoung and minghao entered the room, both with a panicked look on their face.
"there's a woman on the couch in the kitchen! she's passed out! oh god, i think she took some drugs! hansol, who's this!!", they screamed out in unison.

"oh...that's just my mom. don't mind her, she's usually like that", hansol shrugged it off and left the room, ignoring soonyoung's "but she could die!".
so what if she died? at least he wouldn't have to see her anymore.

he left the apartment and went to the car, where seungcheol was currently trying to lift kihyun up. while he was struggling, chan had the other guy already on his back, watching seungcheol with a smile.

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