"im not a vegetable, dont cut me"

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before i start, i just wanna say, if you like purge au's and are a carat, check @korehao   
out. she has a story called "killa" which is veeeeryyy good (but everyone except 1 member dies, so be aware).

if you're a fan of fantasy, read her story "carata". this one ends happily and is also reeeaaallyy good.

she did NOT ask me to place this here, i just wanna help her get more famous cuz she deserves it....

anygays, on to the story....


-a few hours later-

everyone was in their lesson, minding their own bussiness, when twelve phones rang. twelve different boys looked at the display, each one reading the same number.

"shit", seungcheol mumbled, when the Shining "junhui is calling" flashed over his display. the chinese boy had stayed at hansol's home, watching changkyun and kihyun. him calling could only mean problems...

at the same time, minghao stared at the "junnie <3 is calling" on his phone, knowing they were in deep shit now. he got up, ot even caring about his teacher's calls or the confused and worried voices of his friends sicheng and renjun. he needed to get to junhui as fast as possible, he needed to protect the first person in his lonely life that made him feel loved. 

"weird chinese guy is calling", hansol read on his phone's display, immideately getting up from his seat.
"wen junhui is calling" jisoo looked at jeonghan, who was sitting next to him. "shit", both cursed.
"minghao's future bf is calling" jeonghan didn't even look at who was calling, he just followed jisoo out of the class, leaving a confused class and an angry teacher behind.
"jun-hyung is calling" chan wasn't even in his class, so he stood up, waved goodbye to his friends and went off.
"JUNhao is calling" seungkwan cursed silently, thousands different horror-scenarios playing in his head.
"junhui is calling", seokmin read. "oh fuck me. why is this so complicated!", he cursed out loud.
"chinese dude is calling" mingyu stared at the display for a moment, before speed-packing his things away. 
"junhuiiiii is calling" soonyoung had decided to skip his shitty maths lesson, so he was already on his way to the school gates when he got the call.
"wjh is calling" "mr. jeon, i would be very happy if you could silence your phone, we're in a lesso-" the teacher was cut off when wonwoo rushed out of the room.
"flirty chinese guy (better NOT take this call) is calling" jihoon was just about to decline the call, when he remembered. >>oh no...<<

ten minutes later, all twelve of them stood at the door of hansol's apartment, panting and sweating like crazy.
"what..the...fuck...is...happening to my....life!", soonyoung complained, gasping. jihoon just rolled his eyes and mumbled "and here i thought dancers are fit..." before opening the door and walking into the deadly silent apartment. the too silent apartment.
hansol's mother wasn't on the couch, but the bottles and cigarettes were still there. but aside from that, the whole apartment didn't even look like somebody lived in it. 

"fuck, what happened here...." hansol rushed to the door of his room, listening closely for a moment before slowly opening the wooden door. the others followed him, holding in their breath to not miss a single thing.
what was waiting for them in there was something totally unexpected and different from their imaginations....

...junhui was peacefully sleeping on hansol's bed, not looking like he had woken up shortly before. to minghao's relief, he didn't look beat up either, meaning he was at least safe and not beat to death in here.
kihyun and changkyun were nowhere to be seen, which was the minus at this situation. maybe they were hiding somewhere or had already left the apartment to come back later and kill all of them. or they were still here, ready to lock all of them in this room and kill them painfully. 

"guys, this is-" jisoo never got to finish, when the door suddenly flew closed with a loud thud and kihyun and changkyun walked up to them from behind the door, holding knifes and their guns up. "now, that was a stupid move....you never turn your back to the door if you don't know where your enemy is!", changkyun said with a grin, laying the tip of his big kitchen-knife on chan's throat for a moment, before taking a step back again when the young boy didn't even flinch. kihyun just followed him, no expression on his face. 

"look, whatever you want from us, leave them alone!" seungcheol took all of his last guts and dared to speak up. 
>>woah...he really is as fearless as he looks...<<, mingyu thought, missing the older's big eyes nd his trembling hands. 
but jeonghan didn't miss it - he intertwined his fingers with seungcheol's without thinking a second, to his surprise visibly calming the oldest down. it was something new to him - being able to comfort a person by just holding their hand.

the other boys were just as scared as seungcheol, some showing it - like seungkwan, who was on the edge of crying again - others just knew how to mask this, like wonwoo, who may look like he was giving zero fucks at the moment, but was trembling inside.

soonyoung was somewhere in between, not that scared about himself, but fearing for his friends. he didn't know why, but especially jihoon was on his mind, as he turned his head to the left, where the shorter was standing. maybe it was because jihoon had been so affected by the guns last night, but soonyoung expected him to be frightened.
or so he thought...

jihoon wasn't anywhere near being frightened or scared.
he was staring intensely at changkyun and kihyun, a crazy shimmer in his eyes, as he was fixed on the big knife in kihyun's hand. he licked his lips multiple times, clenching his fists and smirking slightly. 
he looked like a complete psycho and for the split of a second, soonyoung wasn't sure if he should be more afraid of the two gangsters infront of him or of jihoon.

"guys? are you already here?" suddenly the sleepy voice of junhui, who was slowly opening his eyes, asked. he attempted to get up from the bed, not even noticing kihyun and changkyun, who immediately sprinted to him.
changkyun put his knife to junhui's throat.

the chinese boy was still half-asleep, but when he felt the cold metal on his throat, he started panicking.

"hey! i'm not a vegetable, don't cut me!", he yelled at the top of his lungs.


an awkward silence made it's way in the room, when everyone was just blankly staring at junhui, who panted and tried his best not to cry.
"wh-what?", kihyun asked after a few minutes, "what was that?"

"i-i said... i-i'm not a vege-vegetable, don't cut me-me!", junhui squeaked in fear.

the knife on his throat suddenly wasn't there anymore and the imitating stare of changkyun wasn't on him anymore - the gangster was squatting down, laughing to the point where he needed to gasp for air.
kihyun wasn't better - he was clapping like crazy and rolling over the bed, squeaking like some kind of seal.

"was-was it that funny?", junhi asked confused, looking at his laughing friends.
minghao tried his best to hold back the laughter, but he still burst out giggling. 

"well....looking at the situation, it WAS funny...."


i'm bad at writing funny things, i just noticed :(


and stream RED by the rose



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