"what now?"

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while half of the boys in the room were laughing and cracking jokes about the situation, seokmin and seungcheol were the ones to take action.
seungcheol tackled the still laughing kihyun to the ground, while seokmin took care of changkyun.

after the two were tied up once again, everyone looked at each other, trying to understand what had just happened.

they had skipped school - for the ones like soonyoung and chan, it wasn't that bad, but others, especially jisoo and jeonghan, had done this for the first time. 

they had been on the edge of being killed. again.

and they had saved their asses by making the murderer laugh....

did that even still make sense?

propably not, but better a senseless life than no life at all.

"so... we can just kinda skip the rest of our lessons, right? i mean, it doesn't even help if we come back for the last few ones...", jeonghan said after a few moments of silence.

"mhmmm" everyone hummed in agreement, only jisoo wanted to protest but shut up after seokmin had smiled at him. maybe, just maybe, being with these boys was worth a few hours of his school time.
changkyun and kihyun on the other hand weren't that pleased with the desicion, since skipping school would mean the boys would stay with them all the time, so their escape plans would be useless.

"hey...", jihoon started, but stopped, before sighing and continuing, "we can't just keep these here and never go back home. the police willl find us and then not just us, but these two are doomed, too. we need to somehow get them to promise they won't kill us, no matter what."

"i was thinking about that, too...", jisoo mumbled.

seungcheol took a quick glance at everyone, before his father-instincts kicked in and he took control over the situation by turning around to the two tied up guys.

"what do we need to do so you won't kill us?"

"well, you've seen our faces and i'm sure this guy", kihyun nodded in chan's direction, "knows our names and god knows what more. so we need to either make you silent or kill you, sorry guys."
seungcheol shook his head. "and what do we do so we all can stay alive and let you go?"

"give us that dude", changkyun blurted out.

"w-what? who? why?"

"give us the one who knows our names and we take him with us and make him never tell anyone. then we can let you alive and you can let us go", cahngkyun explained, not even once showing a sign that he was joking. kihyun also kept a straight face the whole time.
seungcheol stared at them in disbelief, until he gathered himself together again.

"and how do you gurantee that you won't just kill him?"

"we cant?", kihyun suggested.

"nope. that won't be happening." jihoon moved in front of his little brother in defense, shaking his head.

"but what then? we don't want to go to jail, thanks." 

"look...i would never try to turn you in, there's too much risk - what if someone recognizes me? i don't want to go to jail with you, so i won't say anything. is that enough?", chan asked, sighing.

"nope. you only have a few times of robbing, while we have murder and a thousand things on our list. that would be not that much", kihyun responded.

"i don't want to discuss this shit anymore, honestly." jun spoke up from his place next to the bed and just flopped down into the soft covers. under everyone's shocked and surprised stare, he fell asleep in the matter of around a minute.

"woah, this guy must have some superpowers or something", kihyun whispered.
the silence was then broken by a vibrating phone, which turned out to be seungkwan's.

after looking at the person that was messaging him, the blonde sighed and threw a "i need to go, sorry" into the silent room before taking off to who knows where.
"what?", minghao blinked.

"probably his sister... poor dude", seokmin said. jihoon and soonyoung nodded in unision.
"speaking of sister, i'm pretty sure our parents are already worrying about us... it would be better if we all left this discussion for another time and just went home, what do you all think?"

jeonghan and mingyu both gasped....had wonwoo really just said that much? was a miracle happening?

seungcheol seemed rather unfazed by this and just replied with "i don't know, but who has parents that even aknowledge your existence? if you have i guess it's better if you just go home... the rest of us can stay here and discuss about the situation i suppose."
"then i'll get going... text me if you need anything." jeonghan waved at them before disappearing, quickly followed by soonyoung and wonwoo.
the lee siblings hesitated for a few minutes, before eventually saying goodbye, too. jisoo followed them, since seokmin had promised him he could stay with them for now, since he was scared his father was going to beat him to death now.

minghao and junhui (who woke up after soonyoung had yelled around about having forgotten to buy food for his cat) also went on their ways, finally only leaving hansol, seungcheol and mingyu. and changkyun and kihyun, of course.

it was silent, until hansol stood up and announced that he would go search for his mother, since he was afraid she had went drinking somewhere again and passed out. judging from his cold voice, seungcheol assumed this was something that happened often.
so it was just mingyu and seungcheol  now and the two stared at the ground in an awkward silence, until mingyu spoke up.

"i think we should better make a groupchat with everyone, in case of an emergency."

"yeah, that sounds good."


a little bit of texting will now come into the story, but only around 5 to 6 chapters :)



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