❝ 0:11 ❞

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"anyone got a cigarette for me?", hansol asked the police officer.

he was caught for stealing again.

but how else should he get himself something to eat when his mother was too busy drinking?

"you're underage", the officer answered.

"wow, didnt know that", hansol laughed.

"believe me, i've done enough things someone underage shouldn't do, this one cigarette won't make it worse."

the policeman kept quiet and the boy leaned back again, his mind trailing off.

it had started with him and his mother moving from new york to seoul to escape his abusive father. they were happy here, living their life.

until his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer.

something changed and suddenly, he didn't come home to a delicious meal anymore.

suddenly, he would always come home to beer bottles lying around and the smell of alcohol would greet him everytime he opened the door.

in order to get himself money, he started to steal.

and that's how he had ended up here - again.

the kids don't wanna come home | SVT BXBWhere stories live. Discover now