"saviour will be there"

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wonwoo placed his bagpack on his bed before jumping face-down onto the matress (thanks for correcting me, i really couldnt remember anymore lol xD) it had been a loooong week, and he was exhausted to a point he didnt think he would be able to get up ever again.

just as he was about to fall asleep, his phone sudenly rang, blasting black veil brides' "in the end" at full volume. groaning, he fished it out of his pocket and looked at the caller-id.

"annoying-hyper-dude is calling"

answer [ y e s  |  n o ]

"heyyyy wonwooooo-ah! wanna go to a partyyyy?"

"what the fuck? why are you calli-" wonwoo didnt even finish his question when soonyoung suddenly hiccuped a few times before laughing.
"you are drunk, idiot. call someone to pick you up from wherever you are. but NOT me."

"buuttttt - lol, butt - you're the only one to calllll...." soonyoung whined.

"yeah, as if i care. call jihoon."

without waiting any longer, wonwoo ended the call, flopping down on the bed again. soonyoung was a crazy guy and just annoying with his constant following-wonwoo-around. as if he hadn't enough shit to deal with already.

his phone rang again. 
it was soonyoung, and wonwoo immediately pressed decline.

five minutes later, it was soonyoung. again.

and then again.

and again.


with an exaggerated sigh, wonwoo answered the call.

"i already told you, dont call me, get jihoon or someone to pick you up!", he hissed.

"but its not about meeee! its about min- mingyu!" 

soonyoung sounded a little bit sober already, not slurring his words that much anymore. it made wonwoo's heart beat faster - what happened to mingyu?
after blinking a few times, he wanted to slap imself. as if he cared for that dumb tree-

okay, maybe he did. maybe he already started to care too much for these twelve guys. especially mingyu, to be honest.

"im on my way, send me your address."

he ended the call without waiting for an answer, getting up and hurrying to the front door. he ignored the calls from his parents, it wasnt important right now. he needed to get to soonyoung and help mingyu-

soonyoung was still too high to get a grasp of what situation he was in right now, but already sober enough to understand that he was in danger. and mingyu, of course.
the older was pacing back and forth in the dark alley, waiting for wonwoo to finally turn up. 

>>please hyung, get here soon!<<

it was exhausting to wait for so long, the time seemed to go so slow, too slow. wonwoo didnt turn up and soonyoung had already checked his phone three times in only two minutes.

"shit", he whispered. 
where was wonwoo?

finally, finally, he could hear hasty footsteps coming closer and wonwoo's deep voice shouting his name. 

"wonwoo!", he exclaimed happily, hugging the tall boy as soon as he had reached him. wonwoo was only dressed in his t-shirt, already shivering, but he had forgotten to bring his jacket.

"what happened? are you drunk-"


soonyoung wasnt drunk. he was high.

and whatever this drug was, it seemed to be very strong, since the boy still wasnt sober.

"fuck, soonyoung, what did you take? who gave it to you? where's mingyu? what happened to him?"

"shh, my head hurts!", the older whined for a moment.
"mingyu gave it to me, i think. the guy was as tall as him and had his voice...but i cant remember well. it was all just a blurr, i dont know. and mingyu-"
he seemed to remember something, his eyes widening in horror.

"mingyu! i met him later, he's awfully beat up! some guys were beating him! he told me to tell nobody, but then he-he passed out..."

"fuck, no"
it took him everything to stay calm and not scream at soonyoung. with a deep breath, wonwoo grabbed the boy's arm and asked him: 
"where's mingyu? do you remeber where he is?"

soonyoung nodded, stumbling slightly before he could steady himself again. he took ahold of wonwoo's hand and started to drag him deeper into the alley, where it became darker and darker due to the lack of street lamps.

>>hold on, mingyu. i'll save you, i promise<<


a crap update, woohooo!!

so, ive decided to put simon says on hiatus, and publish the junhao-ff i've been writing on for a looong time already.

yeah, be excited.



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