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Y/N's P.O.V

We were outside the walls on an expedition, I was leading my group. We were opposite the Levi squad, I looked over to Levi and he glanced at me. We nodded before turning off and going into the formation.

"We have an abnormal! Captain Y/N on our right!" A scout in my squad yelled at me.

I turned to see a titan running to us like a manic, "Sickening creatures, speed up everyone!" I order and we do so.

I don't know how but we were suddenly overrun by titans. A crawler was in front of us, I gulped, "Everyone... Forgive me... SCATTER!!!!" I screamed, "Now!" I turned to the younger woman in my team, "Make sure you survive and tell my family I love them," I said with tears in my eyes.

I activated my 3DM gear and attached to an abnormal swinging to it. I lift up into the sky crossing my arms and pulls out my blades. I spin and cut into the nape of its neck.

I looked up to see the young scout, "What the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled her as we took out more titans.

"I can't leave you to die Captain. Punish me when we're back at Headquarters when we have both survived this!" She yelled back with tears in her eyes.

After ages of fighting titan, my 3DM gear got jammed and I crashed into a tree. The scout took down more titans. Another abnormal ran toward me and kicked a bolder at me. My eyes widen, the bolder landed one of my ankles, I screamed as it rolled off.

Levi landed beside me and picked me up before swinging us to a high branch, "Seriously Y/N, attracting these filthy ugly creatures... What am I going to do about you?" He put me down, "Don't move from here, your high enough away from them so you don't have to worry. I'll take them down."

"Little macho man?" I joked only to be hit over the head by him, "Ouch, my apologies."

Due to the attack, the expedition was cut short and we were brought back to Shinganshina. I asked Erwin and Hanji to take me home. No matter what happens during work, the last place I want to be is at home.

Erwin nodded picking me up bridal style and he walked to my family home. Hanji walked with my horse and she carried my gear.

I saw my younger brother and his friends outside, Armin looked at me his face turned pale and his friends looked also showing the same expression, "Y/N!!!!" Armin screamed and ran to me causing my grandfather to run out.

Erwin knelt down so I was at my brother level, I instantly brought him into my arms. He cried into me, "Let's get your sister inside, boy," Erwin said and Armin nodded running inside.

I looked at my grandfather, "G-grandfather," I said as Erwin took me inside and placed me on the sofa.

Armin was shaking and his friends just stared at me, I looked at Erwin, "Erwin..." I started but he shook his head.

"I don't like it but you're a stubborn girl," He stood up straight, "I'll report it to every one of your decision... You'll be taken as a possible traitor due to abandoning your job."

"You can't stop!" A kid yelled at me.

I looked over and recognised him, "Eren... You know I love my job," I patted the space next to me and he sat down, "At this moment in time, I would be dead weight. My ankle is crushed, I can't even walk on my own," I ruffle up his hair, "I'm a coward."

"Y/N," Hanji said and I looked up only for her to slap me, "You're not a coward! I know you'll be back. As he said, you're stubborn... Captain Y/N," She smiled this is the first and the last time for years I saw her serious, "Once a scout of your rank, always a scout. Take as long as you need, and you'll be back, scarier than ever."

"Thank you," I said before breaking down in tears in front of them.

"We will all wait for you Y/N," Erwin said before he left with Hanji, he turned to me, "And we will welcome you back in the blink of an eye. I promise you that and then we'll fight for humanity once again together," The two of them turned to me and saluted then Armin shut the door.

"I...I'll go get my father," Eren said and my grandfather stood up.

"I'll go, Armin, Eren help Y/N to get more comfortable," He said leaving us alone.

Armin placed a cushion under my crushed ankle carefully, "Eren, can you get her some water please?" He asked.

Eren did so, I looked over to a girl, "What's your name?" I asked, "I don't remember you," I looked at Armin worried, "Should I?"

"No, you shouldn't. This is Mikasa Ackerman, Eren saved her a few months back," Armin said.

Eren handed me a cup of water, "Thank you," I ruffled up his hair, "It's great to meet you, Mikasa," I say looking at her then I looked at Eren, "Eren, you want to be a scout don't you?" I asked and he panicked a little, "It's an ugly world out there at the moment... I'm not saying this to ruin your dreams but to warn you of what the issue at hand is. One wrong move out there and you're possibly dead if you have the wrong team or a team that listens to you," I laughed then start to sob covering my eyes.

Armin wrapped his arms around me and I had a meltdown. Little did I know, that was the first of many.

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