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Y/N's P.O.V

"Eren," I look at me and Petra and I say at the same time, "Trust us..."

I turn forward to look where we're going as Eren looks back again at the backup squads, "EREN!" Levi yells and flinch, "THAT'S TAKING TOO LONG! MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY!" He orders with his eyes wide in what could appear to be fright but the tone in his voice shows annoyance.

Eren turns to Levi with his eyes closed, "I'M WITH YOU!!!" Eren screams and we all look at him with our eyes wide in shock.

I look forward as we race through the forest to get away from her, "The target is accelerating!" Gunther says.

"FULL SPEED AHEAD! KEEP RUNNING AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" Levi orders and we all do as we are told.

I notice a shadow and I slowly turn to see the female titan above us reaching for Eren. I twist my body getting ready to jump, "Y/N!" Levi yells and I look at him, "Don't," He glares at me.

"You don't understand," I say and my hooks latch onto a tree in front of us. I grab Eren's rein apologising to the horse in my head, "Hold on Eren!" I release and keep hold of Raindrop as the two of us shoot forward out of her reach. Eren yelps in shock as the horses whine in shock and pain.

"FIRE!" Erwin orders. Eren and I ride at a steady pace until Levi and the others catch up.

"So," I look at Levi with a smirk.

"Shut up brat," He rolls his eyes as we glance to see the female titan captured but holding onto the nape of her neck.

Levi looks at the squad, "Tether the horses up ahead, then switch to the 3DMG. This time I and Y/N taking action separately from the rest of you. I'm leaving Eld in command of the squad," Levi says looking back at everyone and I look at him confused but nod.

Levi and I zip ahead, "Keep a safe distance away from that titan and hide Eren and take care of our horses. Is that clear?" I ask before the two of us zip away.

Levi and I zip towards the other Scouts and the female titan, "Alright!" A scout yells, "Her joints are immobilised now!" He announces.

Levi and I land beside Erwin, "Seems like she stopped moving," Levi observes.

"Yes, but we can't let our guard down yet. Great job leading her here you two," Erwin says.

"It's all thanks to the backup squad who gave up their lives fighting to buy us enough time. If wasn't for them, we wouldn't have made it here," I tell him looking at the titan.

"I see..." Erwin says looking at the titan.

"Yes..." Levi says, "It's thanks to them, that we have this opportunity to meet the person hiding in the nape of her neck," Levi glares at the female titan, "I hope that person won't piss themselves in the process, though..." Levi says.

"You are pretty scary when you want to be Levi... So I think it's a possibility," I mutter.

They shoot more darts into the female titan's body, "How do you like it?" Hanji asks sweating and looking crazy, more than usual, "Now, even if you're still itchy, you won't be able to scratch yourself. You can't move a muscle, and likely won't be able to ever again," She explains, "This is a method to harden your joints solid. The more your wounds are closing, the more immobile your joints are becoming," She carries on. 

I look at the Scouts and glance at Levi who is staring at me, my eyes widen and I look away, "And yet. This is still not enough to make the important person inside show us their face, huh?" Hanji says.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now