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Y/N's P.O.V

Riding beside Levi it helped me to remember why I respected him as a Captain, he doesn't look at fault in those on his side and he goes along with plans whether he knows what's going on or not. 

We continue to race through the forest trying to get away from the deviant we turn to see a titan running to us, but a female titan, "Oh, shit! There's no way we can avoid it in advance inside the forest!" Gunther says.

"It's so fast! It's catching up to us!" Eld adds.

"Captain! Let's switch to the 3DMG!" Petra says as a squad starts attacking the titan, we all turn back to her, "The squad behind us is backing us up!" She observes,

We watch as the female titan kills the squad in cold blood. My eyes widen, 'This is so wrong, she shouldn't do this! She's slaughtering them in an intellectual kill not blindless!' I think to myself and I look back at Levi who is watching the female titan with a blank stare.

"Captains! Give us the order!" Petra begs Levi and me as we all race through the forest to get away from the titan.

"Let's do it, Captains! She's really dangerous! We must do it now!" Oluo shouts at us.

I look at Levi and he looks back at me before we both quicken our pace as do the squad behind us.

"I'm gonna turn her into mincemeat," Eld says grinding his teeth.

"Captain Levi! Captain Y/N! Give us your orders, please!!" Eren calls out and I turn to him, "Please, please let us do something, Y/N..."

Levi gets out what looks like a signal gun but with what Levi says, "Everyone, plug your ears," tells me it's a not the usual signal gun. I cover my ears as Levi pulls the trigger and I hear a high pitch noise.

I flinch and close my eyes as well, 'A sound grenade...' I confirm.

 "Eyes open Y/N!" Levi orders.

"Forgive me, Levi," I open my eyes looking at him.

"It's alright," He says in his usual tone than usually sounds so cold to me but this time makes me shiver in delight.

Levi turns slightly to everyone, "Men, what's your mission again?" He asks, "Was it to lose yourselves to your raging emotions? That's not what your orders were, now is it?" His voice gets aggressive and looks at me.

"Let us remind you!" I turn to them, "The duty this squad was assigned to is to do our damnest and I mean our fucking hardest to make sure that this pisspants won't get a single fucking scratch on his body," I glare at them and my voice darkens, "Even if it costs us our lives... Now do me and Levi have to remind you all that again? If we do I'll cut you right here and now, we don't need children on this mission we need fucking soldiers who won't lose their heads... Do we understand each other?" I ask them.

The four original members of Team Levi stare at me in shock, "I expect you TO GIVE ME A FUCKING ANSWER WHEN I ASK YOU ALL A FUCKING GOD DAMN PISSING SHIT QUESTION!" I snap.

"YES, MA'AM!" The four reply, I hear the fear in their voice.

"We're going to keep advancing on horses. Is that clear?" Levi questions as I turn front.

"Shit," I mutter as I pull Raindrops reins dodging a tree as Petra agrees to Levi's words.

"Eh?! On horses? But... Just how long are we gonna keep going like this?! Not to mention that she'll catch up to us very soon!" Eren says, "Another group of backup! If we help them right now, together we may stand a chance!"

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now