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Y/N's P.O.V

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He yells at me.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, I have been on leave due to health issues!"

"Health issues my ass! You coward out!"

"I coward out? Hmm... Where the fuck have you been?! I've been possibly the only Scout out here with the Garrisons, who I might add decide to keep dying, God rest their souls, and you... You! Nowhere to be seen! Humanities Strongest my fucking ass!" I yell.

"You left because you couldn't cope! That's being a coward!"

"I left because my ankle was crushed! That's called going into recovery! Get your facts fucking right short stack!"

"I'm taller than you!"

"I don't fucking care!"

"Any idea what's going on?" Eren whispers and Armin shakes his head watching us.

"I can't believe you think that you can out the uniform on and claim to be a Scout again!"

I zip off and slice down Titans, " And I can't believe that you're one of the ones who helped me come back!"

The scout joins me, "I haven't seen you in years! I did jack-shit!"

"Asshole!!!!!" "Bitch!!!!!" We land in front of the teenagers glaring at each other panting.

"Been a long time ey Levi?" I say with a smirk.

"Yeah, long time indeed," Levi says and a small smirk.

"Miss me?" I ask him tilting my head.

"Don't overthink things, you'll go on leave again," He says and we look at the teenagers, "Anyone wants to answer my question?"

Timeskip brought to you by Levi

Eren has been placed under arrest by the Scouts and I've been dragged, literally, to the Scouts by a very tiny man.

"Oi," I look at him, "I'll drop you in mud if you don't hurry it up," Levi says looking at me emotionless.

"I'd make you clean me up," I reply and finally walk beside him like a normal person.

"You can't make me do shit and you know that," He rolls his eyes.

"Shorty!" A familiar voice yells and a woman with red hair, up in a ponytail and goggles. She looks at me staring and looks up and down, "Y/N!!!!!!!" She yells and hugs up tightly, to the point where I doubt I'll survive.

"Shitty glasses let her go, you're killing her," Levi says and Hanji lets me go.

"Let's go see the Commander, he'll be so happy to see you in the uniform again," Hanji says and pulls me along against my will.

"Commander Erwin!" Hanji calls out and Erwin turns to us.

His eyes land on me and he walks to me. He does something that isn't normal for me but pulls me into his arms, "Welcome home," He whispers.

I slowly wrap my arms around his waist, "Why is everyone so much taller than me now?" I pout.

"I guess you'll be called shorty now," Levi comments and I roll my eyes.

"No, last time I called her that she came at me with a knife," Hanji says and I nervously laugh, "We became besties after that!" She cheers.

"How you do it, I don't know," Levi whispers to me.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now