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Y/N's P.O.V

I sit beside Jean, who has a brown wig on, I have no idea if this is going to work, Jean and Eren look nothing alike. Erwin is opposite Jean, Levi opposite me.

I flinch hearing a crack and see what to any other person would be an explosion, one of them has transformed I think to myself and I glance at Levi who is looking at me, I quickly look away to hide my slight embarrassment.

The carriage stopped moving after the transformation, I look to see Military Police discussing amongst themselves occasionally looking at us. The door to the carriage opens, "Erwin Smith, Eren Jaeger, Levi Ackerman and Y/N Alert, please follow me," A Military Police says and Erwin gets out.

We see smoke after a while, Eren... Please make sure Armin comes back to me alive I think to myself as I sit back down in the carriage.

Erwin looks at Levi, "Don't do anything reckless," He looks forward, "Nile, dispatch all your available troops, immediately. Act under the assumption that titans have made their appearance," Erwin says calmly.

Nile looks at him terrified but like what Erwin has just said isn't possible, "Wh-What are you even talking about!? This is Wall Shina, for crying out loud! There's no way titans can appear here!" He sees Erwin's face looking disappointed and sorry, "Erwin... You... Just what... Are you trying to do?" Nile asks as Levi get out of the carriage. 

Levi turns to me and leans in, to my ear, "When we're back to HQ I need to see you in my office," He whispers standing up straight and facing where the smoke came from.

I watch as he leans against the carriage with his fist clenched by his side. I lean over the edge to Levi and smile at him, "You look like your struggling," I whisper and he tsks looking at me.

"Shut up, brat," He mutters.

The summoning was postponed due to the events happened in the Capital, but a new meeting took its place. I stand beside Levi in the HQ deep cellar as we look at Annie covered in a crystal. 

I turn to a Scout, "Make sure there are two Scouts here at all times," I look at Levi, "Or more?"

"We'll have round the clock surveillance inside here and outside the door in case anything happens," Levi says.

A Scout runs in, "Captains! Bad news!" Levi and I look over, "Wall Rose... Has been breached!" 

I look at Levi and the two of us run out, "Stay here and watch her, brats," Levi ordered as we went to our rooms getting ready.

As I sort out my 3DMG there's a knock on my door, "Y/N, we need to go," Levi says and I walk out handing him my jacket.

He tsks and takes it as I walk fastening my belts, I take my jacket sliding it on, "Come on," I look back and flinch when I feel a hand on my thigh.

"Calm down you have it twisted," Levi says and I stop walking as he sorts my belt out. I blush to feel his hand on my leg, even though there's clothing between us, it feels like I'm completely bare under his hand.

"We need to go find Erwin and see what he wants us to do," Levi says and we go where he should be holding the meeting with District Chief. 

Erwin rushes out of the room with the other top Scouts and looks at me, "Y/N, I want you to go with Hanji, Mikasa, Armin and Eren. Levi, with me," Erwin says and starts walking.

Levi turns to me, "Be careful," He whispers and looks into my eyes before turning. He walks down the corridor.

Hanji turns to me, "Let's get Eren, Mikasa and Armin," Hanji says as we turn to walk I notice Levi has turned back around and is walking back where he came, "Shorty? You're meant to be with Er..." Hanji stops talking.

I watch Levi takes hold of my hips, pulling me into his hold, he slides one hand to my back and the other cupping my cheek. He looks at me, "What's wrong?" I ask and watch as he leans down, my eye widens a little as he brushes his lips against mine slowly. 

I move my lips in sync with his as my hand move up to his shoulders. He pulls away, "Make sure you come back," He whispers and I nod before he turns away catching up with Erwin.

I turn to Hanji who is grinning, I touch my lips with my fingertip lightly, "Shut up," I mutter as we walk to get the others.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now