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Y/N's P.O.V

We're standing on the wall with Commander Pixis and Armin runs through the plan of titan Eren sealing the hole with a large rock.

I put my hand on Armin's shoulder and smile, "Come here Dandelion," I twist him into my arms and bury my head into the crook of his neck, "When did you get so tall?"

"I don't know," Armin whispers as he wraps his arms around my waist.

We watch Commander Pixis kneeling down in front of Eren, "Cadet Eren, can you close up that hole?" He asks.

"I'll see to it sir, no matter what!" Eren says determinedly.

Commander Pixis starts calling up for soldiers and he creates a plan. He looks at us four, "you three, Cadet Eren, Cadet Armin and Cadet Mikasa will be together, Mikasa cover Eren with sealing up that hole and Y/N You have two options, help Mikasa with covering Eren closely or cover them from further away."

"The latter Sir," I nod.

"Believe in her?" He asks.

"Of course Sir, you'd know if I didn't," I shrug and look at Mikasa who gives me a very tiny smile.

I gesture for Mikasa to follow, "Come on, we need sharper blades and cleaner gear," I say and we walk along the wall, "I'm crapping myself, not literally."

"About the Scouts?" She asks and I nod, "It'll be okay, you're a soldier. When I first met you, they told you they'd see you again and you'd be welcomed back... What better way than helping to seal a hole they can't move?" She looks at me, "You may think you've been scared for these many years, but you've been the bravest person I know... To struggle with nightmares and stand up one day after the worse nightmare and fight your nightmares, it's actually what I think brought Armin's speech on."

"No his speech was due to Eren," I say as we clean our gear and getting new blades.

"It was both, he looks up to you and he wants you to see him as an equal, not a little brother," Mikasa says.

I look at her, "I'll keep that in mind, so I'll be a mile or so away from you and Eren. So if anything happens all you need to do of yell for me and I'll be right there helping you out. I know you possibly won't need it, but I'll be there when you call," I say.

"Thank you Y/N... I mean... Captain Y/N," She says.

"Stop that, I'm not a captain any more," I say before we all go onto our positions after Commander Pixis orders.

I take a deep breath and an abnormal looks at me, "I take down the Titans who aren't distracted by the soldiers on the wall, got it," I look at the creepy fucking jumping over buildings, "Disgusting," I comment and zip past it and slice the nape of his neck.

I keep moving and slicing soon a smile grows on my face, "WHOO WHOO!!" I cheer as I twirl in the sky feeling free.

"You monsters destroyed me for 8 years, I'm going to destroy you," I land on a house and crack my neck and shoulders loosening myself up.

Three titans, one to my right, one to my left and one in front of me. All make their ways to me, "Y/N!!!" Mikasa screams and I look over to see Eren in Titan form attacking Mikasa.

My eyes widen and I start to zip only for a 4m titan to grab a hook and throw me to the ground, "You fucker! Go suck a fucking dick!" I say then sigh standing up while some Titan walks to me, "Why waste my breath, you can't understand me at all anyway so," I say as I quickly check my hook, "thank god," I say seeing my hook is still in good working order and I zip away.

I see Armin helping Mikasa and I soon get distracted by titans running in my direction. I smirk and land on a roof look at him, "You alright there ugly?" The Titan goes to grab me but I zip around above him, "Sorry I don't but I just won't allow a man to manhandle me!" I twist slicing his neck and land on the roof.

I turn to see Eren in his Titan form carry the large rock. I smile and zip to Armin and Mikasa, "Don't you dare try to confront Eren like that again Armin!" I say and he flinches, I look at Mikasa who nods. I ruffle up his hair, "Come on, soldier, you did a brave thing, that was the sister side of me speaking then. Make sure if you do that again, don't be so reckless."

"Let's go," Mikasa says and the three of us zip after Eren slicing through titans as we move.

I try not to worry about the teenagers and try to see them as soldiers, but being alone with them and having forgotten how a Captain talks.

I twirl and almost dance in the sky killing Titans who approach Eren.

Why are they so drawn to him?!

I zip backwards slicing down other titans and notice Eren's sealed the hole. Mikasa and Armin try to get Eren out when two titans go to them. A Scout saves them, raven hair and a small body.

I duck and a slice off a Titans arm when it tries to grab me then I zip passed them. I flip in the skip cheering and smiling, "Now can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?" I hear a familiar voice and twist before slicing down a Titan and landing on the back of its head.

I jump up to his side, "All you need to know is that it's working," I say and he looks at me with a slight look at surprise on his face, "Shocker, I ain't dead," I smirk.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now