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Y/N's P.O.V

"Anyway, I need to go to Captain Levi and Commander Erwin," I say, "You guys need to go back to the town for now," I add.

"I've been here for too long, I've spent 3 years of my life living here, surrounded by fools, that's why I said a stupid thing like that," Reiner says and we look over, "We were just brats who knew nothing back then, if only I'd never learned about those fools' existence, I would have never had to become the shitty pathetic bastard I am now," He said removing the cloth holding his arm.

I push Eren behind him, he sneers at me but I ignore him, "I don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore," Reiner says, "But what I do know is that no matter what results in my actions and the consequences of my choices brought about," Reiner adds holding his arm up glaring at us, "As a warrior, I gotta take responsibility and fulfil my duty till the bitter end," He says.

"Enough Reiner," I say.

"Reiner, you're gonna do it?! Right here, right now?!" Bertholdt questions.

"Yeah! We'll settle this here and now!" Reiner says going to me but I feel something push me over the wall.

I feel myself fall and scream closing my eyes bracing the impact, "Someone grab her!" I hear someone say behind my piercing screams.

I hear a crack and feel something break as everything turns black and silent.


"Y/N... Can you hear me?" I hear a familiar voice as I open to my eyes to see a man with brown hair, glasses and a slight bear.

"Dr Jaeger... Yes, yes, I can hear you," I nodded and sat up looking at him, "Am I as bad as I feel?" 

"What do you mean?" He asked opening his notebook.

"My legs are in poor condition and look ugly," I said causing the doctor to chuckle, "It's not funny."

"Forgive me," Dr Jaeger said as I watched him mixing when I would believe to be medicine, "In a few hours it'll be like you never had crushed legs, promise."

"How so? Sounds like witchcraft to me," I muttered looking at him.

"Witchcraft huh?" He questioned and I nodded, "Suspicious..." 

"I remember when you were a child and hardly spoke, I miss those times," Dr Jaeyer joked, "But, would witchcraft be so bad if it helped you walk again, do what you lock again, fight again, run again, play with your little brother again?"

"I want all of that," I said looking at him.

"You'll be stronger, but not straight away," He told him and looked at me, "I'm also, really sorry. It won't be a fun ride... I'm sorry for that, but your true strength will make sense one day, I promise,"  Dr Jaeger said as he injected a green liquid into my arm and everything went black.

End of Flashback

I open my eyes and see myself in the woods, I look around and come face to face with a fat titan, "Hello, ugly," I say looking at him and the titan kneels down looking at me tilting his head, "Hey, I want you to take me to the Scouts in the woods," I say, "Now."

The titan lays his hand open and I step in it, "Do not eat me or any humans," I add and the titan nods as he stands up running in a direction.

"Hey Eren, I want to tell you something," I hear Mikasa and see her, Eren and a blonde titan with a big grin, the one who killed Mrs Jeager. 

"Stop," I say to the titan and he does so, I watch Scouts fight and get eaten by the titans, "Put me down please," I say and he does so, "Wait for my next words, okay?" The titan nods as I walk forward.

"Thank you for being with me, thank you for teaching me the way to live," Mikasa says as tears form in her eyes and Eren cries, "Thank you... for giving me this scarf," She smiles and leans in but Eren stands up.

"I'll do this again as many time as it takes," Eren says narrowing his eyes showing determination, "From now on we'll keep on being together."

I watch as Eren punches the titan, "Eren, back off," I say and he looks at me shocked, "Kill the titan, my little friends," I raise my hand and snap my fingers.

I feel like a bolt of electricity hitting my titan power, "NOW!"

The titan jumps over me tackling down the grinning blonde titan and I watch as the titan ignore the Scouts and join in with killing the grinning titan. I grab Eren's wrist and step backwards pulling him with him, "Why is he being eaten?" Mikasa asks as Eren puts her on his back and we run.

"Because I ordered it," I say bluntly and I look around, "Scouts, get on your horses now!" I say and see the Armoured titan coming towards us with Bertholdt on his collarbone, "Don't come any closer or I'll fucking kill you!!" I scream and they stop running, "Attack them!" I add and the titans who were eating the blonde grinning titan go Reiner and Bertholdt.

I look at Eren, "Get on a horse now," I say and he nods getting on one.  I see Armin offering me his hand, "Cheer brother," I say taking it and getting on behind him, "Run," I say and the Scouts do as I say and the horses start running.

I look back to see a small titan with long black hair protecting Reiner and Bertholdt. I look at Eren who is turning his head, "eyes front soldier," I order and he nods.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now