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Y/N's P.O.V

"EVERYONE! RETREAT!" Erwin orders, "While Titans are busy devouring the female titan's body, get on your horses! We're leaving all the carts here!" Erwin carries on, "Head west and once you're out of the forest, redeploy the formation! We're returning to the Karanese District!" He finishes

"What a mess..." Levi sighs, "And right after my taunting words, too... Havoc all around and no benefit for us whatsoever. I wonder what they'll do to Eren and us when we nonchalantly come back after a failure like this," Levi says.

"We'll think about it after we'll have returned. At the moment we must concentrate on returning safely without suffering any more damage," Erwin says.

Levi pats my head and ruffles my hair up ignoring my protests for him not to, "At the moment," Erwin adds looking forward getting lost in thought.

"Let's go Y/N," Levi says and we turn to go, "I'll go call my squad. Hope they didn't get very far from here yet," Levi says.

"Wait, Y/N, Levi," We stop and turn a little to him, "Both of you go refill your gas tank and get new swords," Erwin says.

"We're hard-pressed for a time as it is, I think we could still hold out with what we have left... Why to waste time on resupplying," Levi says.

"It's an order, do it," Erwin says.

Levi looks at him blankly and annoyed, "Fine, understood Erwin. I'll trust your judgement on this one" Levi says and I nod before we turn to go to the supply cart. 

My hook gets trapped, "You motherfucker!" I groan and sway in the air, "Fantastic..." I yank my hook and yelp as I fall only to fall into Levi's arms, "Thanks."

"You good?" He asks as he puts me in the cart as we refill our supplies.

I look at my hook, "How good are you putting a new hook on?" I ask and he tsks taking it replacing it with ease, "Thank you."

I see a smoke signal, "Huh?" I frown, "Levi?"

"Let's follow it, we're all full up," He says and look at me, "One moment, try turning into a titan."

"Pardon?!" I question.

"Try it," He says.

"No, let's go," I go to zip away but he grabs me stopping me.

"Try it," He repeats.

"Fine" I jump off the cart and slash my hand, a crack and smoke appear before everything turns black. I stand up and stare down at the tiny, tiny, tiny ass Captain Levi. I kneel down and poke his face only for him to slap away my finger, "URGH!" Bastard prick tiny ass.

"Stay still," He says and zips up to my shoulder cutting me out and pulls my little body out of the titan on. 

I open my eyes looking at him, "Not so tiny, tiny, tiny ass Captain Levi," I say out loud only to be dropped by him, "Ouch," I groan standing up looking at the body of the titan, pale skin, tall, taller than Eren possibly, razer sharp teeth, red hair, black eyes and a female body, "At least the gender is right..."

"That all you care about? Come on let's go," The two of us zip away to the smoke signal.

My eyes widen as I hear a roar, "Levi!" 

"Right let's hurry," We both speed up a little to get there quickly.

The two of us zip past a battlefield to see our dead teammates, "Levi..." I look at him.

"Keep moving Y/N," He says looking at me with sorrow in his face.

We carry on going forward to where we heard the roar, neither of us speak another word. We see Mikasa attacking the female titan, Levi grabs her, "Fall back for now," He orders, "We'll follow her keeping our distance for the moment. Looks like she's pretty exhausted. Her speed has dropped significantly," Levi says, "The whole nape area of Eren's titan form was bitten out. Is he dead?" He asks looking at Mikasa.

"Eren is alive, Sir. The target seems to have intelligence and her objective is to kidnap Eren. If she wanted to kill him, she could have simply crushed him. Instead, the target intentionally contained him in her mouth and currently is trying to escape with him," Mikasa explains to us.

Mikasa and Levi keep talking as I race through, "Levi, let me..." I look at him.

"No, we'll cut her up and Mikasa'll draws her attention," Levi orders.

"Understood," I say.

Mikasa goes down in front of her as Levi and I go behind her. The female titan looks at Mikasa for a few moments before turning to Levi and I. As the female titan goes to punch us, we spin up her arms slicing into her as we reach the shoulders. I go in front of her and throw my blades into her eyes blinding her as I zip up to Levi.

We both dive down, slicing deep wounds into her, making her fall to her knees. She covers the nape of her neck again, I spin and slice deep wounds into her arm making her drop her arm being unable to use it for a long while.

I watch as Mikasa goes for the nap, "DON'T!" Levi shouts and I watch as the titan raises her hand. I zip over getting in front of the female titan and she hits me sending me to lay over a branch everything goes black.

Levi's P.O.V

"Y/N!!!!" I yell in shock how she took the brats place, I watch as he body looks lifeless bent over the branch.

'I'll kill' I think to myself and zip forward, spinning slicing into her mouth.

I watch as she opens her mouth, Eren knocked out on her tongue covered in her saliva, "Eren..." I say, zipping forward grabbing him, "Hey!" I look at Mikasa, "We're withdrawing now! Grab Y/N she's still alive!" I order as Mikasa grabs Y/N.

"Like I'd leave her behind," She mutters as we both zip through. "Is Eren okay?"

"He's alright, disgusting but alive," I tell her as we zip through the forest. I look back at the female titan to see her crying.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now