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Y/N's P.O.V

"Yes... Only... Everything rests on the gamble that Eren or Y/N would be able to plug the Wall," Armin says.

Eren and I stare in shock but I look at my lap, "I doubt either of them can give us a definite answer right now even if we ask, but still, do you think you could do it?" Hanji says looking at Eren.

"Y-yeah," Eren stutters.

"It's not about if he could do it or not," Levi says looking at Eren, "Do it, you must do it, you have no choice... You're more experienced than Y/N with transforming," He adds, "You're aware of the situation we're all in. At this point, the Region can't do anything other than doing their hardest, so make sure you succeed."

"Yes, Sir!" Eren replies.

"Y/N?" Hanji looks at me, "Can you do it?"

"It's a gamble, but I can try as Levi said... I'm still learning compared to Eren," I say and look opposite me taking a deep breath, "But I'll do whatever I can to plug it if Eren can't," I say.

"I will plug the breach, without fail!" Eren says and looks at me, "Without fail, I will," Eren's face fell and a scowl took its place, "I'm fed up with not knowing what the hell is going on," Eren says getting the basement key out from under his t-shirt, "First... I'll plug Wall Rose... Then, I'll plug Wall Maria, and then after that... The basement," He says, his voice turned dangerous, "If what my old man said about every answer being there is true... Then there should also be some clues there as to his whereabouts... All the answer, are there, I know," His voice going soft but determination shows right though, "When I reach there, I will finally learn where I should direct the anger boiling in me..."

"The Hermiha District. We're almost there," I say and tilt my head stretching my neck with a sigh.

"Our stop, then. This is as far as me, Y/N and the pastor can go with you," Levi tells us, "I'll leave everything to you. You're the members of the impromptu squad chosen by Erwin, after all," He finishes, "I trust you get your role, Armin? Keep coming up with ideas together with Hanji as you did. Mikasa, you use your every ability to protect Eren. I don't know why you're so attached to the brat, but remember to control yourself. Don't make another blunder," Levi warns.

Mikasa glares at him, "Yes sir, I will make sure there won't be any," She tells him.

Once we got to our destination, I follow Levi and Nick, "Levi... I thought I was with Hanji..." I whisper to Levi.

"Like I'm letting you be dragged into something the brat is to do," Levi says and notices Nick slowing down. Levi jabs Nick in the back with his foot, "Hey... Keep walking. I don't need you getting lost and making extra work for us," Levi says.

"Wh-What is this?" Nick stutters as he walks at the speed Levi approves of looking at citizens passing us.

"What else did you expect? Of course, things are not gonna be pretty and bright... The wall has fallen, after all..." Levi says as we walk behind him.

A child starts crying, Nick goes to walk but Levi grabs his shoulder and glares at him, "Hey, where the fuck do you think you're going?" Levi questions.

I watch the two of them talk standing in silence, "Move it dumbasses," I say pushing both the men forward to see Hanji, Eren and Moblit together. 

Hanji turns and looks at us, "Moblit, I'll be with you in a sec," She says and walks to us a little.

Levi and I look at each other as Nick and Hanji stare off, "Did you... Did you perhaps have a change of heart?" She asks and he doesn't respond, "There's no time anymore! You realise that right?! Did already if you're going to talk or not! I'm begging you!" 

Nick looks down to his feet, "I cannot tell you anything. I expect the other members will not talk nor change their minds," He says slightly disappointed tone.

"Well, thank you! Going through all the trouble just to tell me this in the end! That helped us tons!" Hanji snaps again as she turns around.

"This was a very grave decision for me, the burden we are saddled with is heavy... Our system of ironclad pledge has been existing for generations, and we can entrust the secrets of the wall only to certain blood relatives," Nick says and Hanji turns to him, "None of us can tell you anything. However... I shall you the name of the person who can reveal those secrets to you."

"Shifting the responsibility to someone else to protect yourself and your organisation?" I question folding my arms.

"Correct..." He replies looking down to the ground again, "5 years ago, that person had been dragged into strife between her relatives, which cause her to go into hiding under an assumed name. The girl herself does not know anything yet," He tells us and I roll my eyes shaking my head, "But, she has the right to choose to speak publicly about whatever wall secrets that are known to her. I heard she joined the Scouts this year, her name is Krista Lenz," He says.

"Are you kidding me?!" I question him.

"H-Her of all people?" Eren asks.

"You're insane to think it's her," I shake my head.

"I do not think it's her, I know it is her! Go find her, she might even know the truth unknown to even us... Only... It is up to her to decide to tell you or not what she knows. Revealing her name to you is the only compromise I can afford to make. The rest shall depend on you."

"The girl, if she's from the 104th, this means she's on the very frontlines right now," Hanji says.

"Let's hurry!" Eren says, "We need to get to the breached area as soon as possible anyway!" Eren adds.

"Wait a sec! I still don't know all the names of our new members who came from your 104th, so could you, uh..." Hanji says.

"It's the most petite girl!" Eren says.

"She has long blonde hair...um and... ah, she's pretty!" Armin says and looks at me before rushing off as his cheeks went a little pink and I smirk.

"She's the girls who always hangs around with Ymir," Mikasa says.

"Aww Armin thinks a girl is pretty," I tease.

"Don't start Y/N," Armin whines and I shrug with a smirk.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now