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Y/N's P.O.V

"Forgive me Y/N... I just can't let you die," A voice says, "You're going to be fit and strong again, stronger than before... Put your trust in me..."

My eyes shot open and I sit up straight, "Whoa," I hear a monotone says and I turn to see Levi behind me. I look around to see I'm on his horse, "Alright?" I nod, "Just relax, there wasn't enough room in the carriage for another person," He tells me and looks forward.

I lean back into him closing my eyes again, "For Humanities Strongest, you are comfy," I comment and Levi clicks his tongue.

"If you're going to spout nonsense, shut up you idiot," Levi says as he guides the horses and everything fades to black as I fall asleep.

Levi's P.O.V

I look down at Y/N to see she's back asleep, we ride back into the wall, "The Scouts are back! Their numbers dwindled by quite a few compared to this morning!" People shout and Y/N stirs, I glance at her to see her waking up again.

I look forward as people call out meaningless words of how our work was in vain like usual. Y/N places her hands on my thighs and I flinch a little as she straightens herself up on the staddle.

"Are you alright to sit alone?" I ask her.

"Captain Levi!" We hear a voice and turn to see an elderly man rushing up, I stop the horse from moving. His eyes land on Y/N and he smiles before turning to see, "Thank you for taking care of my daughter," I turn my body to him politely staying quiet. 

"I'll go onto a carriage," Y/N says and begins to move but I hold her still, "Levi."

"You're still not right," I whisper and look at the man, "Sorry sir," I say.

"It's quite alright, I'm Petra's father!" He confirms and I stiffen up, "I thought I'd stop and talk to you a little before going to find my daughter! My daughter, she sent me this letter, you see..." He grins at me, "She wrote she got the high honour to be of some use to you, Captain," He steps closer, "And that she was going to give it her all to live up to your expectations... Well, you know... She was outright boasting, not understanding how worried that new could make a parent," He says.

Y/N leans into me again her eyes closing, she's struggling to stay awake. I need to get her to the infirmary! 

"Well.. umm... Anyway, as her father, I... I was thinking it was probably too early for me to insist she get married, you know.. She's still too young and has the whole life ahead of her, so..." The man says and I freeze, Y/N starts coughing and her body stiffens against mine. The man look around, "Where is Petra?" He asks.

"She's dead," Levi says and looks forward, "Forgive me sir, but I need to get Captain Y/N to the infirmary urgently," I say and ride off before the man can say or do anything, which he isn't, only crying. 

Erwin catches up to us, "What's taking you so long?" He looks at us ignoring the questions of people are saying to him, "Hurry, that's an order Levi," Erwin says.

"Yes, sir," I nod and hurry to get Y/N to HQ's infirmary. 

I press my hand on her back and the other under her knees as I get off the horse. I walk into the building going to the infirmary, a nurse looks at me, "Captains?" She question.

"There are no physical wounds, of what I know but she has jus regained consciousness properly," I explain laying her on a bed.

The nurse takes some tests, asking Y/N questions of what happened, what hurts and more, Y/N keeps answering the questions as the nurse writes down notes. Erwin and Hanji walk in and I look over to see them both from the end of her bed, "How is she nurse?" Erwin asks.

"Remarkable," The nurse says, "From what Y/N has told me, she... She shouldn't be able to string a sentence, walk straight, or... Be awake," She looks at Erwin, "You have a remarkable Captain, Commander Erwin," The nurse looks.

"Can I have some water?" Y/N asks and the nurse gets her a glass.

"Erwin, may me and Y/N speak with you alone?" I ask.

"Why can't I know?!" Hanji whines and hugs Y/N tightly, "She's my bestie!"

"Ouch," Y/N says and Hanji reluctantly let's go, "Go find Armin and see if he is okay, please," She asks and Hanji nods leaving. 

Erwin sits on the visitor chair, "Very well, what do you need to talk about?" Erwin says looking between us, "You're not in an intimate relationship, because that kind of talk needs to be in the office," He said.

I feel my body freeze and looks at Y/N who throws a pillow at Erwin, "Shut up, it's serious," Y/N says, "I'm a titan shifter..." She says looking at her lap.

"And you just tell me now?!" Erwin snaps making her jump.

"Erwin," I say looking at him, "We just found out a few days ago, and just because of quick healing we needed more proof before we told you. I had Y/N transform in the forest, so we were sure," I say and place my hand on Y/N's shoulder, "No don't joke about relationships... It was awkward enough with Petra's father earlier."

Erwin looks at us and nods, "Alright, alright," He stands up, "So that explains why you understood what she was saying," Erwin says and Y/N nods, "Okay, I'm sorry I snapped," Y/N just nods staying silent.

"I actually want to go to sleep, if you both don't mind," Y/N says laying down and Erwin and I leave her to sleep.

"Why did you question if we were in an intimate relationship?" I question glaring at him as we walk down the corridor.

"Why do you think?" Erwin sighs, "If you don't know now, you're even denser than I originally believed," He walks ahead.

"Oi!" I call out.

Erwin looks back and smirks, "I've known you both for a long time," He walks into his office.

"Fuckind eyebrows," I mutter rolling my eyes as I walk into my room.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now