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Y/N's P.O.V 

I'm sat on my horse beside Levi, my squad further down the street as I still have to be watched by Levi. It was nice to see them, even if it was for a whole day.

"Remember Y/N," Levi says quietly and I look over, "Put your trust in me," I smile and nod looking forward.

"That goes without saying Levi," I tell him.

The gate opens, "The 57th Expedition to the lands outside the wall, start! Advance!" Erwin commands and we all follow him.

As we all charge forward, a Scout announces a 10M titan coming in from the left. I look at Levi who keeps his eyes forward as do I.

"Don't panic!" Gunther says, "The defence squad will handle him! You just keep going forward!" He looks at Eren who nods and he looks forward.

I ride beside Levi silently looking forward, Eren and Oluo speak which results in Oluo trying to chop off his tongue. I look at Oluo, "Are you hungry whenever we ride? Is that why you go to eat your tongue?" I laugh a little as he glares at me.

"FORMATION FOR LONG DISTANCE ENEMY DETECTION! DEPLOY!!!" Erwin orders and we all go off in our groups.

We're in the known safest place in the formation but something isn't sitting right with me as we all end up separating. 

"Something the matter?" Levi looks at me.

I look at him, "I'm good, don't worry about me," I smile at him.

"It's my job to worry about you, brat," He looks forward as we notice the signal.

"Oh lovely, a shit face," I roll my eyes.

"Captain Y/N?" Eren calls out and I look over to him, "Are you normally insulting them?" He asks.

"Calms my nerves," I wink at him and look over then see another signal and eyes widen, "Levi are we proceeding with the plan?"

Levi nods, "Yes we are, there are other Scouts still around to cover us. Remember your role Y/N," He looks at me.

"I remember it, Levi," I nod and we lead the squad forward.

Soon enough I heard banging and I turn around seeing a titan running, but it's so far I can't make out any characteristics, "What the..." I mutter and frown as Raindrop keeps going forward then I turn my head to the front again.

"The formation is changing course," Levi says and leads us in another direction, "Oluo, fire the signal," Levi looks at him and Oluo does as he is told, "Y/N, you good?"

"Why do you care?" I look to the signals, 'Armin... Come back to me...' I think to myself before looking forward, "I guess this is how Armin and grandfather felt huh?"

"Terrified and wanting to run to you when you left?" Eren asks and I nod, "Yeah they did, but he always said the best feeling was when you returned home."

A messenger rides up, "I've got a message!" He calls out and we all look over, "The right flank lookouts suffered a crushing blow! Enemy detection on the right flank is partially disabled! Please relay this message to the squads stationed to you left!" The messenger rides off.

"You heard that, Petra? Go," He orders and Petra does as told.

We see a black signal, "A black signal?! A deviant appeared?!" Eren questioned as we carried on.

"Eren fire the signal," Levi says and he does so, "What a mess... Some titan's already penetrated the formation that deep, huh?"

"What are you thinking?" I ask him looking over.

"You know how unusual this is right?" His voice is low, "Something else might be involved," He says quietly and I nod, "Keep your eyes open."

Levi leads us through a forest, "What do you mean what? We're in the forest, Sir, for crying out loud! There is no way we can detect the enemy if we are the only file of the formation to enter the forest! And I think I saw something approaching from the right to boo. How are we supposed to avoid titans and protect the carts under these circumstances?!" Eren questions.

"Stop stating the obvious in that obnoxious speech, will ya," Levi looks back at him, "It's clear as day we can't do any of that anymore," Levi told him.

"B-But, why?! How come things..." Eren starts but I cut him off.

"Take a look around you Eren. These huge trees are the best location you can only wish for, for 3DMG," I tell him.

"Now, do us both a favour and put that dumb head of yours to use. Make sure to do you most damn and rack your brains hard as you can, if you don't wanna die," Levi says. 

Levi looks at me and I nod, "Hey Eren," I look at him and he looks at me, "Listen and listen well, live and live well and proud. Trust your squad, your captain and your commander. Not everything is straight forward, we can plan but it's only a possible 70% the plan goes as we mapped out," I smile, "Don't panic you'll be home in your bed eventually."

Suddenly we hear thuds, "What was that sound? It's right behind us!" Eren says looking behind him.

"Something that was coming from the right is making that sound...?" Eld questions.

"Everyone," Levi says, "Blades at the ready. That something will be here, in a moment." He says and we all ready our blades as we ride.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now