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A/N: Sad news, I've sort of lost all my thought track for this story but I'm determined to complete it. It won't have any more references to the manga or anime storyline any more. I'm sorry >.< But please, I hope you enjoy


Y/N's P.O.V

I follow different soldiers back to the wall and we all make our way up. There are Garrisons on the wall, Mr Hannes walks over to me, "Captain Y/N, I've been told to escort you to Commander Erwin and Captain Levi," He tells me.

I nod looking at him, "Alright, is this so I actually go to him this time and not get distracted by whatever it was?" I laugh a little.

"Yes, it is," Mr Hannes laughs as well and the two of us make our to a small cottage in the small countryside in Shina. Even though there is no visible breach, Wall Maria citizens haven't been given the all-clear to move back home just yet. 

The two of us ride horseback to the cottage, Mr Hannes and I get off our horses and he knocks on the door, "It's Hannes and Captain Y/N," 

"Enter," Commander Erwin says and the two of us walk inside, "Mr Hannes, the wall report complete?" He asks from a small couch in the sitting area with Levi sat in an armchair, "Y/N, thank you for coming over, Levi wanted to have a word with you."

I nod and look at the man in question who stands up walking into another room leaving the door open. I follow after him and shut the door behind me, "Everything okay?" I ask walking to him holding my hands behind my back.

"Relax Y/N... It's not a professional chat," Levi said and sat down on a couch.

I release my hands and looks around the room, a double bed, wardrobe and chest of draws with a large full-size mirror. The room as an attached bathroom, "Cute place," I comment walking to the couch and sits down.

"I guess, it's only temporary though, as the Shina HQ is cleaned up," Levi says as I get comfy.

"You're not cleaning it yourself?" I smile at him as I tuck my legs beside me.

"I'll probably end up going over it all when we all move it, and by saying I'll I mean we'll," Levi confirms looking at me.

"That doesn't surprise me," I say as I tuck some hair behind my ear, "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Hmm... This isn't easy for me," Levi says and I frown tilting my head, "I don't care about your titan shifting ability, all I know is I don't think I would be able to kill you like I could Eren," He turns his body to face me more, "I... Hmm... care about... y-y-you," He stutters and looks away covering half of his face as I notice a slight flush of pink on his cheeks.

 y-y-you," He stutters and looks away covering half of his face as I notice a slight flush of pink on his cheeks

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"I...I care about you too," I reply looking down at my lap, "So I'm guessing it is after the first kiss talk?" I question.

"So-Something like that," Levi looks at me.

I look up at him and leans forward, placing my lips on his cheeks kisses softly, "I c-care about you too," I start moving back and he grabs my arms pulling me forward, "Levi?" I whisper as I move forward as he pulls me, "What is it?"

"Shut up," He whispers as he brushes our lips together kissing me softly as he moves my body so I'm over his, straddling his lap and wrapping my arms around his shoulder. 

I pull back and rest my forehead against his looking into his eyes, "Not nice to tell me to shut up," I poke my bottom lip out resisting the urge to smile.

"You know it's only me and no harm in my words," Levi says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I never thought I'd ever..." I start but Levi cuts me off.

"I know, I never thought it either," Levi says as his left-hand fiddles with my hair a little, "You know this will be complicated right?"

"With the titans, yeah I know," I nod.

Levi looks at him, without the stoic look like nothing, I see different feelings flashing in his eyes, hurt, sadness, compassion and a possible small flash of love. He takes a deep breath, "Listen... I haven't said a word to Erwin because I wanted to talk to you first... Whatever you want I'll be happy with," He says and I frown a little in confusion, "Until the Titans are destroyed and the Jaeger's basement secret has been discovered... I can't go any further than this."

"I understand," I smile, "I'm not happy about it, but I understand," I slide off his last and walk to the door, "I need some tea, want some?" I ask.

"Sure," I hear him say from behind me.

I reach out for the handle and my vision goes blurry and dark, "Levi..." I call out and stumble backwards as I feel myself going dizzy. I feel myself fall backwards and after a sharp pain in my head, everything goes black.

"Y/N?! Y/N?!" I hear Levi call out before I black out completely.

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