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Y/N's P.O.V


Hanji runs up, "Eren! Can I touch that arm of yours?!" She asks running up like the crazy titan lady she is, "Can I?! You'll let me, right?! I'll just touch it and that's all, I promise!!" She says drooling looking crazy as fuck.

"Section Commander, wait a moment please," Eren begs.

She touches it, "WOW!" She jumps back, "IT'S HOT! SKINLESS AND SOOOO DAMN HOT! THAT ARM! SO INCREDIBLY HOT!!" She shouts as she kneels on the ground and Scouts complain about her being reckless.

"It's hot, tell me Eren isn't it burning you?" Hanji asks,

Eren starts to get his hand out, "H-Hey, Eren! I warned you not to try to pull any weird shit on us!!" Oluo says.

"Oluo," I say looking at him, "Shut the fuck up for once, all of you!" I point at Hanji, "Including you Hanji!" I order grabbing my blades, "If any of you take a step closer to Eren, other than Levi and Hanji, I'll kill you all where you stand. Have I made myself clear?"

"Why are you protecting him?!" Oluo asks.

"Why? Because I protect new members of a team I'm on. You're all freaking him out which isn't helping!" I tell them as Eren falls beside me, "Eren?!" I kneel down and help him sit up, "Talk to me, you good?!"

"I'm good," He says looking at me as the titan's arm evaporates.

Levi moves to stand beside us as a guard, we look at him, "You both doing good?" He asks.

"Yeah, as can be,"  I say.

"Captain..." Eren said and looks at the Scouts glaring at us, "Not very good..." He admits.

Levi and I take Eren away leaving Hanji to keep the other off our back as we go to the cellar. Eren sits on the last step, Levi leans against the wall and I sit beside Levi's legs on the ground, "I know I'm still alive only because I'm here. I also know that I'm a potential enemy to humanity," Eren says and I continue looking forward, "Until the moment I experienced their open hostility I didn't notice that they do not trust me," Eren says.

"Of course they don't. That's why I chose them in the first place," Levi says and I look up at him as he starts telling us their kill stats, "'You become full-fledged Scout after having returned alive for the first time.' That a common opinion among the Scouts, but those guys managed to live through hell not one but countless times and it bore its fruit. They've learned how to survive," Levi tells him looking at the ceiling.

Levi continues to talk as I zone out a little hearing about their abilities before, "Captain Levi, Captain Y/N," I stand up, "Section Commander Hanji is calling for you both," The voice says leaving with Levi and Eren behind him and I follow Levi and Eren to where we need to go - the mess hall.

"What, you were busy enjoying a sweet long dump or something?" Levi questions.

"Well, that too, but mostly I got held up explaining away to the superiors what happened. Anyway, Eren, take a look at this," Hanji says and unravels something - a teaspoon.

"A teaspoon?" Eren questions.

"Indeed. That right hand of yours had it in its grasp. It held it like this, between the index finger and the thumb," Hanji tells us, "I find it hard to believe a grasp like this could be a coincidence. Add to that the fact that for some reason there's no visible damage from heat or excessive force on the spoon... Do you have any thoughts as to why?" Hanji asks.

"I remember trying to pick it up and I transformed right after that," Eren tells us.

Hanji looks at the teaspoon, "I see... That's probably the reason why you couldn't transform while in the well. You've had a reason to transform, 'I must kill the titans' 'I need to defend against that cannonball' 'I must lift that boulder and seal the hole'. In all the cases you successfully transformed because you had a clear objective in your mind," Hanji says.

"That explains a lot," I mutter front beside Levi and he looks at me as to say 'pay attention'.

"It's likely that the act of self-harm is not the trigger itself. Harming yourself doesn't work if there's no objective clear in your mind," Hanji explain further.

Eren agrees, "But still... Transforming into a titan just to pick up a spoon... That's messed up..." Eren says.

I look at my hard, "You have a point," I say and everyone looking at me, "What if... I'm going out on a thin thread here and I'm no scientist... but what if you transformed because you were still hurt, still drawing blood... You were also disappointed in yourself because you felt like a failure," His eyes widened, "I've seen that look many times before Eren, remember whose best friend you are and remember who I'm sister to, yeah?" I smile and I look at the team, "So," I give them all a sinister smile, "Looks like no fucking rules WERE FUCKING BROKEN!" I yell punching the table.

"You didn't transform on purpose?" Gunther says.

"No, it wasn't intentional," Eren told him and we watch the four of them bite their hand then complain about it.

"You think that settles the matter?" I stand up straight and raise my hand to Levi to stop him from talking, "You're not my squad, be fucking grateful for that," I place my hand on Eren's shoulder, "I'm not related to this shit for brains but I think of him as a brother. I've watched him grow up if I tell him you're scaring him or you're making him worse. I expect to be listened to, I'm not your Captain, I'm nothing compared to Levi but I'll be your worst fucking nightmare if you accuse Eren of breaking the rules, make him feel worse than he already did oh and if you fucking complain about pain, trust me... None of you knows the fear of the titan power truly!" I walk out slamming the door.

I cover my mouth and run down the corridor, "Y/N!" I hear Eren and Levi shout my name. I run, "Get back here!" Levi yells and I hear footsteps chasing after me. 

I run into my room and lock the door. I back away from the door as there's banging, "I'll break this fucking door down if you don't unlock it! I swear it I fucking will!" Levi says and bangs.

"Captain, let me..." Eren says and the banging stops, "Y/N... Hey, come on... Open the door, it's just us and we'll talk about what you just said... Please Y/N," Eren begs and I unlock opening the door, "Hey you," He smiles and they walk in.

"Captain Y/N!" I hear Petra and I slam locking the door in her face, "Let me in, I thought we were friends!"

"Petra, leave us," Levi orders and I hear her walking away, "Eren, what we tell you. Stays between the three of us, okay?"

"Of course," Eren nods.

"Can you?" I look at Levi like a terrified kitten.

Levi nods and tells Eren everything that happened between the well and the titan's hand. Eren looks at me, "You have the ability too?" He asks.

"I'm not sure but it adds up," I say.

"I won't say anything, promise," Eren says and the two of us hug.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now