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Levi's P.O.V

After a rough sleep on the sofa as Y/N had my bed, I hear her stir finally waking up. I look over to her as she sits up rubbing her eyes and I look away.

"Levi?" She calls out looking at me confused, "Where am I?" 

"My room," I tell her and look at her, "Your room wasn't cleaned and I couldn't allow someone to sleep in a dusty room."

"Yes you could," She nods, "You'd put anyone in a dusty room Captain," She gets out of bed and remakes the bed before walking over to me. She sits down beside me, "So, why?"

"You hate dust so that's why," I tell her and stand up, "Get washed and changed, we're heading to headquarters today," I walk out of the room shutting the door.

Timeskip gave to you by your horse Raindrop

Y/N's P.O.V

Myself, Jaeger, Levi and my team are all on our way to our headquarters on horseback.

Levi rides alongside me but I keep my eyes forward, hardly any of us talk expect for Oluo like usual, but he does seem different than he used to, "The Former HQ of the Scouting Legion. It's nothing more than a remodelled old castle though, fitting to be called the Headquarters only in the appearance. In reality, the fact that the HQ was located in a place like this, miles away from the river and the wall... Shows that they deemed the Scouting Legion an unneeded and useless division. In the beginning, they only paid-up service to us... But to think that this overblown decoration called our HQ, would actually come in handy someday as the most suitable prison to hold you in! Life's funny that way," Oluo says.

I look at Levi who looks at me and we both turn to Eren who turns away quickly, "Don't get cocky noob. Titan power or whatever, but just because Captain Levi was put in charge of supervising a piss-poor brat like you and you," Oluo speeds up and rides just behind me, "A coward who runs because of crushed ankles, if it was up to you, you wouldn't be able to come back, co-" He started speaking but bit his tongue.

I look at Oluo glaring at him and I spin Raindrop around stopping in front of Oluo, "Don't talk while your horseback riding, especially with your big mouth. Oh and you know what, you're not Levi so don't act like you are, all you are is a cheap copy," I smirk and turn Raindrop around then catch up to Levi, "Oh Levi, I need to ask you something when we've stopped," I say carefully and Levi nodded.

We all make to the castle and we leave Eren with the horse, "Petra, Oluo, watch Jaeger while Y/N and I talk," Levi says and the two of us walk-off, "Something troubling you?" He asks.

"Not troubling, but how did you get a hold of Raindrop?" I ask folding my arms looking at him.

Levi looks at him, "That it?" He asks and I nod, "A Garrison saw her in your back garden and set her free then Petra found her brought her to me a few days ago before we met up," Levi said and steps closer, "Also about Oluo..."

"Not changed much huh?" I tilt my head to the side a little.

Levi tsked and tapped my head, "Shut up for once," I raise my hands up in defence, "But correct," We look at the three of them.

"You're watching over both of us, but if Oluo makes Eren uncomfortable I won't be responsible for my actions Levi," I walk towards Eren.

"I wouldn't expect anything else," Levi said as he followed me.

"Aren't you getting a little too big for your boots just because of the Captian chose you? You should've just bitten that tongue of yours off and died," Petra says.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now