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Y/N's P.O.V

We have ended up being surrounded my Garrisons, who are aiming their Titan killing blades at us. "I'm gonna kill 'em dead..." Eren says with a creepy dazed look on his face before he looks up and sees, Mikasa, Armin, him and me surrounded.

"Umm, Eren... Not the best thing to say right now," I say holding my blades, guarding the two boys with Mikasa.

"Eren!" Mikasa says looking like a weight has been lifted off her shoulder.

"Eren! You can move about alright, can you? Are you fully conscious?!" Armin freaks a little, "Tell me everything! Talk to me! We're bound to figure it out together!"

"Armin!" I yell looking at my brother and he looks at me, "You're confusing him, relax. Keep your mind calm and don't let it cloud your knowledge," I say looking at the Garrisons as they whisper about Eren's words.

"Cadet Jaeger! Cadet Ackerman! Cadet Alert! And Captain Alert!" He says and looks at me a little worried, "The behaviour of you four makes you traitors to humanity! Therefore I'm going to have to decide how we should dispose of your lives!" Captain Kitz Weilman yells, "Try to pull any sort of trick or any I deem as suspicious and you'll be eating explosives! We'll shoot without hesitation!"

"But aren't you hesitating now?" I comment looking at him bored.

"Don't test me, bitch!" Captain Kitz yells at me, "Eren Jaeger, what are you... human or Titan?" He asks him and we all look at him for his answer.

"I'm sorry Sir! I fail to understand the meaning of your question!" Eren replies.

"Answer him Eren," I plead looking at him, "Are you a human or a Titan..."

"Are you playing dumb with me! Come on, just try it again! We'll fucking dust you all on the spot! Even have the time to assume your true form! Many soldiers saw what happened! They were right there, watching as you came out of the titan! We, humans, are facing an invasion of your monstrous kind into Wall Rose! It doesn't if you number among the cadets sanctioned by the king himself! It is perfectly suitable to swiftly eliminate any threat! In this, I know I'm right! That freakishly strong Titan who destroyed Wall Maria 5 years ago might show up again any time now! Our very existence, that of the human race is at stake! We cannot afford to fail as we did back then!" Captain Kitz takes a deep breath, "Understand? We have no more time or soldier to spare on your account! I'll have you blown to kingdom come!"

The Garrisons start whispering and yelling then Mikasa starts her threats, "For fuck sake Eren. ANSWER!" I scream looking at him.

"I'm human!" Eren replies looking at Captain Kitz.

Captain Kitz raises his arm to signal to fire, "Y/N get Armin!" Mikasa orders then blink, "Please Captain."

"Don't have to tell me twice," I say and fling my brother over my shoulder. I look up to see soldiers ready to fire at us.

Eren gets out of Mikasa's holds and pulls me into him with Armin. He bites his hand and a titan skeleton appears around us, I look around in all my time to the Scouts I have never witnessed anything like this before.

Hanji would be going nuts right now and she'd be jealous I saw it first.

"Are you guys alright?!" Eren yells and runs in front of us, out of instinct I know Eren wouldn't hurt Armin but I still pull him closer to me, "I don't know what this is, but it's starting to evaporate just like a Titan."

"Can I trust you Eren?" I ask and he slowly nods, I stand up and walk to him, "Then I want you to promise you'll tell me everything you know when we get out of this alive."

Soon enough the three teenagers start talking and arguing then Armin runs past me, "Armin!" I call out.

"I'll win them over or die trying! You three try to look unthreatening as you possibly can!" He says.

"Oi, I take offence to that Little brother," I giggle and sit down watching him proudly.

Armin starts yelling at Captain Kitz as he salutes and I smile, "He's grown so much," I comment and Eren places his hand on my shoulder and I place a hand over his.

"I am a solider! Sworn to dedicate my heart and soul to the restoration of humankind! I have no greater ambition than to give up my life should it help that cause!" My eyes widen hearing those words, "Let us add his titan power to our own remaining forces! We might even be able to reconquer the town that way! For the human race's greatest glory! I shall use what little time remains till I go to my grave, to advocate the strategic advantage that he represents!" He takes a deep breath while keeping his salute steady.

"That's enough, brittle as a twig just as you've always been. Don't you see how beautiful a salute that was," Commander Pixis says and he says his peace on the matter then looks at me, "And I don't think you want the Survey Corps on your backside for taking her down because you're afraid of the unknown."

I stand up and walk forward, blades and guns aimed at me. I salute beside my brother, "Commander Pixis, please hear me out," I say and look at him, he nods, "My brother may just be a cadet, but he has the mind of someone three times his age. He's so full of ideas and knowledge, if he thinks something will work... There's no doubt it will!"

"No wonder Captain Levi recognises you as an equal," Commander Pixis says and I tilt my head, "Are you willing to lay your life down for your brothers' words Y/N?"

"I am Sir, as you know I know a great soldier when I see one and these three cadets are a few of the best I've seen," I walk to him with my hands up and I look up him, "Trust me."

"And if it doesn't work?" He asks quietly.

"I'm here," I reply with a confident smirk looking at the man.

He laughs, "As confident as ever."

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now