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Y/N's P.O.V

In the garden, tending to my horse I soon realise that my brother had been gone for a while. I walk into the house and see my grandfather, he looks at me and smiles, "My brave girl, you had another night without nightmares... Dr Jaeger must be doing a great job," He smiles.

"I feel stronger... Raindrop has been cleaned, I'm off to look for Armin... He's been gone a while now," I say and walk to the door.

"Be careful," Grandfather says and I look at him, "You may be able to walk again, but don't go arguing with the bullies again," my eyes widen hearing that, "You think I don't know when you two are hiding something from me? Protect him, he looks up to you as does his friends, don't betray them."

"I promise," I say and leave going to where my brother normally is.

I walk through the city smiling at the neighbours, it took 3 years for them to welcome me back properly. I understood why, but I'm glad they did.

I see Eren and Mikasa running, I follow after them then I take a shortcut seeing the bullies, "Look it's Eren! Hey, you back for more?!" They provoke him a little then see Mikasa, "Oh crap! She's with him!" They turn around and see me walking up, "Fuck! Run!!" They yell and run away.

I walk out of the alleyway and look at the kids, "Armin you good?" I ask and he looks at me like he is about to cry, "Did they hurt you?" I ask showing no pity knowing that will set him off.

"N...No," He says and flinched as I ruffle his hair up, "Y/N, you're walking better today."

"I know," I smile and lift up the original crushed ankles and circle my foot without any pain, "Feel myself again."

"That's great Y/N! You can go back to the scouts!" Eren cheers with a big smile.

"Maybe one day," I say and the four of us walk to the river sitting down.

"What happened Armin?" Eren asks.

"I was saying about the outside walls and I told them that humankind would need to go outside one day," He says and looks down hugging his knees, "That's when they hit me while calling me a Heretic."

Eren sighs and throws a rock into the river, "Damnit. How come you get looked down upon mentioning the outside world?" Eren says annoyed.

"Because of what's out there. They're only scared of the world unknown," I say and the children look at me, "Listen, those boys are acting on fears... Titans are used as a horror story to keep some children behaving. I understand their fear and I hope you know it's not truly aimed at you Armin, it's aimed at their fear. You speak their fear and they want to hit their fear, which is your words."

Armin nods, "I understand," He says.

"Also, well that wall has been up for 100 years and inside these walls, humanity has lived peacefully. Like I sort of mentioned, people are wary of the possibility of us inviting them in," I roll my eyes, "Pathetic I know. People fear the unknown."

"The royal government have declared any word or knowledge of the outside work taboo," Armin says.

"Yeah? Well, the king is just a coward, end of the story," Eren says.

"Possibly, but is there another reason?" Armin says looking forward pinching his chin.

"It's our own lives at risk. It's our business," Eren says and I look at him shocked.

"I don't think so. Just forget it," Mikasa says looking at Eren.

"Anyway, what made you tell on me to my parents?" Eren asks Mikasa harshly.

"I never said I would cooperate," Mikasa answers him bluntly.

"So, how'd it go?" Armin asks curiously looking at the two of his friends.

"It wasn't exactly cheers and applause," Eren tells him.

"I know that reaction," I chuckle looking at him, "You're their baby boy, making a decision like this at your age is frightening to them."

I watch as the two boys with Eren being angry or frustrated, sometimes I just can't tell with the boy. The ground shakes knocking me onto my back.

I stand up instantly, "What was that?!" I ask and see people looking at something. I wall forward and turn to have a look, my eyes widen, "Impossible..."

The children rush and stand in front of me, "It can't be that wall is 50 meters high," Eren says terrified.

The titan kicks through the gate, the impact sends people flying, houses being destroyed.

"It just destroyed the gate," Armin back into me shaking.

"Titans...," I mutter and kneel down to Armin, I turn him to me, "Go to the escape boat I'll get grandfather," I tell him and he nods.

Eren runs off in the direction of his home and Mikasa follows, "Eren! Mikasa!" I yell and look to our home then the children. I look at Armin, "I can only do one," I say and run home.

I dodge people running towards our home, I see grandfather outside the home. He sees me, "I got... I got your uniform and it's full of gas," He says nervously.

I walk to him and grab his shoulders, "Pops," I say frowning, "Get to the escape boats, Armin is on his way there. Don't take anything just go, I'll be following you both, I promise," I say and kiss his cheek then push him, "RUN!!!!" I yell and go inside seeing my uniform mended and all my gear mended and looking new.

I walk forward and place my hand on it.

My hand is shaking... No, my whole body is shaking.

I can't do this.

But none of these guards has ever seen a titan.

I close my eyes and think of some people,

"No regrets Y/N, live your life with no regrets and if you die the die knowing you've helped to save lives. But know this, as long as I'm alive you'll never die." Petra...

"We'll be waiting for you to return Y/N and we'll welcome you back with open arms," Erwin...

"You'll come back stronger than ever I know it," Hanji...

"Y/N... Don't hold back. If you know you can do something. Do it. Fight. Fight with me! Stand your ground! Your little brother is waiting for you to return as is your grandfather. Fight with us. No regrets, you brat!" Levi...

"You're the brats... Ordering me around," I change into my uniform and double-check my gear, "He did a great job," I comment before putting it on.

"No regrets, fight with everything you've got Y/N and return to your brother unharmed this time," I say leaving the house glaring at the titan staring at me, "You alright there ugly?"

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