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Y/N's P.O.V


"We thought up a method that should all us to beat you only to half-death instead of killing you," Levi says in one at the meeting rooms with a chalkboard. I'm sat on the front desk with Hanji looking at the team, "Y/N came up with it last night and we've been working to make it as full proof as we can," He explains.

Eren looks at me shocked and I smile at him a little before turning to Levi who starts drawing on the board, "I said previously that the only way to stop you when you're in your titan form is to kill you. With this method, you can get away with just serious injuries. It will be tricky though, as it requires extremely refined skill to execute. In short, we'll need to cut a big piece of meat with your human body inside it off your titan form's nape of the neck," He says standing aside showing everyone the drawing.

"We'll end up chopping off your hands and feet in the process, though," He tells him.

"No biggie," I say and Eren looks me shocked, "Since you'll just grow them back anyway, all lizard style."

"Creepy bastard," Levi comments looking at Eren disgusted.

"W-Wait a moment please," Eren says nervously and we look at him, "I am not sure that my limbs will grow back though."

"Are you saying you want a way with no risk involved and no sacrifices necessary?" Levi asks and Eren replies with no, "then you better prepare yourself for that one. There's a danger that you might get killed in the process, but we're in the same boat since we'll be risking to get killed by you, so relax and trust us," Levi says.

"Yes, sir understood," Eren says.

"Remember Eren," I say and he stands in front of me, "Armin told me you lost your arm and your leg in the last breach we had," I look at his arm and leg, "And I remember seeing your arm on the fucking roof, as far as I can see you have a new arm and leg," I tell him, "Whether or not they regenerate in human form or titan form is something we don't know, but seeing your body now, proves you can regrow your limbs one way or another," I tell him.

"Does this mean I'm given the go-ahead?" Hanji asks trying to contain her excitement.

"I want to say it's too risky, but we need to confirm when Y/N has just said and to confirm firsthand what we're dealing with," Levi says.

"I will formulate the plan of the experiment then," Hanji says and looks at Eren, "Eren... If there's something you don't know, all you need to do is learn it. There's plenty of when we can learn worth risking our lives for," Hanji tells me.

Later one, we're by a well, Eren being lowered inside, "When I'm ready, I'll give you a smoke signal to begin. What happens next is up to you," Hanji says.

I lean over the well looking at him, "Eren if it works this well should restrain you in case you lose your self-awareness. If you don't lose it try to remain calm and think, it's not my everyday body that is trapped it's my every now and then body, okay?" I say.

"Understood," Eren says to both Hanji and myself as I stand up straight.

Hanji, Levi and I get on our horse and ride a little away from them. Hanji fires the smoke signal but we wait a while and nothing happens, "Maybe...Errr... He didn't see the signal?" Hanji says.

"No, he saw it," I say and ride over.

"We can't be certain if something happened there or not," Levi says following me, "Hey, Eren! The experiment is suspended for the time being," Levi says.

"Eren, you good?" I ask bending over and my eyes widen seeing bloody bitten hands and blood dropping from Eren's mouth, "Eren?!"

"Hanji, Captain, Y/N..." He says, "I can't seem to turn into a titan..." He tells us.

We all sit together at tables eating our lunch, "You're telling me that the wounds aren't healing up?" Levi says annoys and Eren confirms it, "You're saying you've lost your titan ability?"

"Possibly sir," Eren says looking at him nervously.

"So basically the whole thing of plugging Wall Maria and riding on you to do it, will be going down the fucking drain?" He snaps and I stand up placing my hands on his arms trying to calm him down as he glares at Eren, "I'm ordering you, do something about it!" 

"Levi... Can I talk to you for a moment please?" I say softly with a smile and the two of us walk away from everyone.

"Here is good Y/N," Levi says and I grab him by the collar pulling him behind the kitchen hut, "What the hell? We're meant to be watching."

"Levi, I trust you more than anyone else here and I need to know you trust everything I'm about to say," I say looking at him and he nods, "Say it."

"I trust everything you're about to say..." He looks at me blankly.

"You know when I crushed my legs before I was on leave?" I ask and he nods, "There was no way in hell I'd be able to walk on my legs again?" He nods again, "But I am... In the last breach, I broke my leg but was able to walk on it ten minutes afterwards without such fault," He eyes widen a little, "Doctor Yaeger treated me for my crushed legs, fuck I shouldn't be walking around, running, training, fighting titans... But I am!" I whisper yell.

"Y/N, just tell me... What's going on," He whispers.

I lean up to his ear and whisper, "I've forgotten things as well like Eren, cut my arm, Levi," I tell him as I remove my jacket rolling up my sleeve, "If I'm wrong I'll clean your room every day for a fucking year."

"Alright," He says getting out his pocket knife and slices down my arm. We wait for a few minutes, "You're cleaning up," He turns to walk but we both notice smoke and look to see my arm healing up. We look at each other, eye wide, "Have you ever been in...?" I cut him off by shaking my head, "Okay, okay... We'll tell Erwin after the expedition together, but no one else till know expects us, okay?" He asks and I nod.

We hear a crack and I put on my jacket as we run to see Eren on top of a titan's hand, "Calm down," Levi says as I rush to Eren.

"Captain Levi, Y/N, this isn't..." Eren says and turns to see Levi standing in front of the team ordering them to calm down and I'm looking at him with a smile.

"Let's get you free, yeah?" I tilt my head with a smile as I hear Hanji cheering from behind and continue looking at Eren, "You're not hurt are you?"

"No, but it's rather hot up here... You'll hurt yourself," Eren warns me.

"Y/N..." Levi says and I watch Squad Levi surround us.

"Got it Levi," I stand the other side of Eren, "You all got a problem?"

"Are you blind?!" Eld says panicking, "Eren! What's the meaning of this?! Why did you do it now, without an authorisation?! Answer me, damn it!" Eld orders.

"Hold it, Eld," Levi says calmly.

"Answer the questions, Eren! What did you try to achieve by doing this?!" Oluo says.

"No... That will come later," Gunther says, "First, prove to me that you aren't hostile towards us... or rather towards the whole human race. Prove it this instance!" Gunther says.

"Don't move Eren!" Oluo orders, "The moment you do you can kiss goodbye to your fucking head," He threatens.

"Oluo, I said calm down!" Levi snaps.

"Captains! Please get away from Eren, it's too dangerous!" Patra begs.

"No," I say and look at her, "I suggest that you all back down before I'm the one that kills you all," I glare at her, "Back the fuck down everyone!"

The team starts yelling at him about his silence and Eren snaps, "COULD YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT PLEASE?!"

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