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Levi's P.O.V

I'm sitting in the mess hall with Eren, drinking tea thinking what Erwin said. The door opens and I glance over to see Y/N walking in, not in her uniform. She's wearing a vest top, that shows her curves and it's very flattering to her figure. I look down and see her in shorts, her bare legs.

Fuck what I wouldn't give to feel them around my waist... Wait... WHAT?!

I look away, "You're awake, finally," I mutter.

"Yeah, I am," She sits near Eren but her body facing me, she places one leg over the other.

The three of us sit in silence, my eyes keep going to the milky, clean and clear legs. "It's been a while," I say taking a drink of my tea, "Erwin, that bastard... Making us wait like this. At this rate, the Military Police will be here first," I say.

I look at Eren, Y/N then the wall, "Maybe... He's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't dump," I comment.

"You're so disgusting at times Levi," Y/N scoffs as she rubs her thighs.

Eren laughs a little and I just watch Levi, "I'm quite clean, you could always double-check if you want Y/N," I smirk and she stares at me shocked.

"Captain Levi," Eren says, "You are... Quite the chatterbox today," Eren says.

"Maybe I am, doesn't mean I'm talking to you," I look at Eren.

Y/N places her hand on Eren's lap and I glare at the hand, "Don't worry about Mr Grumpy, he's just frustrated," She looks at me and winks.


"Sorry, if I had not made the wrong choice back then, things would have never gone that way, you both wouldn't have gotten injured," Eren says.

I mentally groan as Y/N looks at me worried, "My leg," I tell her, "I got it checked over when you were out cold on my horse," I explain, "Didn't I already tell you? No one could have predicted those results," I say to Eren.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Y/N leans over placing her hand gently on my thigh looking at him, but my eyes are drawn to the cleavage in front of me.

Fucking hell!

The door opens and Y/N sits up, "Sorry to keep you waiting," Erwin says as they walk forward, "We discovered an entity whom we believe is the female titan."

Mikasa, Armin, Jean and a Scout walks in and they join us at the table. "Normally we belong to the Military Police in the Stohes District. This time, however, we've devised a plan to capture the female titan. The day after tomorrow, we will put it into action. On that day, Eren, myself and Y/N will be summoned to the Royal Capital," My eyes widen a little as do Y/N's, "In the current conditions, we can't avoid handing Eren over. Otherwise, it will be difficult to draw out the ones who are planning to destroy the walls. It could also potentially lead to the destruction of the human race," Erwin explains.

"I understand why you and Eren are to be summoned... Did you tell them?" Y/N questions.

"I have not no," Erwin says and I see Y/N relax, "It's because they are still cautious about Eren and as you are like an elder sister to him, they doubt he'll do anything to put your life in danger."

"Aww does Eren love me that much?" Y/N teases and laughs as Eren's face turns into a tomato, "I'm only playing Eren."

"Anyway, this plan was devised in order," I read the plan as Y/N comes up behind me looking at it as well with her hands on my shoulder, "To break through all the difficulties we're experiencing. We will gamble everything on this, we have... no other chance left," Erwin says as I feel Y/N lean down resting her chin on my shoulder.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now