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Levi's P.O.V

"Y/N?! Y/N?! Oi! Wake up!" I shouted at the unconscious blonde girl in my arms.

"Levi?!" Erwin rushed inside, "What happened?" He knelt down placing an arm under her knees and on her back lifting her up. He laid her on the bed, "Levi?"

"I don't know, she went to leave to get us some tea and stumbled backwards before calling out my name and passed out," I told him as I stood up, "I don't know the reason why though."

"She just passed out for no reason?" Erwin questioned.

I wake up due to the sun piercing through my windows and I turn onto my stomach groans, "I haven't dreamt of that night for 5 years," I mutter as I drag myself out of bed and to do my morning routine. 

I walk out of my room and go to the infirmary like normal, any normal soldier would be considered dead but Erwin stopped them because of her breathing and who she is altogether. I walk to the end up where curtains around surrounding her bed, I look around to the nurse, "Excuse me, did something happen to Y/N?" I ask.

The nurse looks at me and smiles, "Yeah something did happen," She said and checked behind the curtain, "Is everything okay?"

"Y-Yes..." I hear a familiar voice and my eyes widen, "I-Is he here?"

"No, but your regular is, " The nurse says and looks at me, "The light was too much for her so she asked for the curtains, you may go in."

I move the curtains to a side and see Y/N sat up in bed looking like she's just been washed, "Y/N..."


I walk to her and bring her into my arms, I don't know what calm over me, but right now I don't care. I bury my face in her blonde hair, "Thank god, you're awake," I whisper.

Y/N wraps her arms around my waist, "What's all this?" She whispers.

"Where is she?" I hear Alert and the curtains are pulled aside to show Armin, Eren and Mikasa, "Y/N?"

Y/N pulls away looking at him, "Armin, hey you three... You're older now, why, only been a few minutes right?" She frowns in confusion.

"A few what?" I question.

"Minutes..." She hugs Armin who sobs into her shoulder and Eren and Mikasa join in the hug, "What's going on?"

"Y/N, you're been in a coma for 5 years," I tell her.

"F-Five years?!" She looks at Armin, "Why didn't they just end it?"

"Your shirting abilities is why," Eren said and held her hand, "And Levi wasn't allowing anyone to end it."

Y/N looks at me and smiles as she leans into her younger brother. From the looks of it, it was for comfort I wasn't used to giving her. 

"So much to tell you, so much has happened," Armin says pulling away, "No more titans, they were all humans without the ability to shift... Eren's... hmm he should tell you..."

Eren looked at her, "My brother was behind most of it, as was an Ackerman," Eren looked at me.

"My uncle Kenny," I told her.

"You mean innocent people were the titans?" She asks me and I nod. The two younger men start telling her everything that has happened over the five years. Y/N keeps looking at me to confirm what they are saying and I keep nodding.

After a few hours of talking the nurse tells us to leave as Y/N needs her physical therapy. The four of us walk to the Mess Hall, "I can't believe she thought it was only a couple of minutes," Eren says.

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now