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"No regrets, fight with everything you've got Y/N and return to your brother unharmed this time," I say leaving the house glaring at the titan staring at me, "You alright there ugly?"

The titan walks to me, I activate my 3DM gear, the hooks latch onto a house and I swing hit above the titan. Crossing my arms over as I pull out my blades, I look at the nape of the neck, "No regrets!" I yell and spin as I lower down then slices the nape before moving through the city wiping out titans in my view.

I see people hurry. I hear screams. I hear crunches.

I look around to see Mr Hannes running with Eren and Mikasa. Eren looks at me, he's crying and points at something, "SAVE HER PLEASE!!!!" He screams and Hannes and Mikasa look at me.

I look to see Carla in the hands of a titan, my eyes widen, "Hey you ugly bastard!" I yell and zip towards him. I try to be as fast as I can without wasting my gas, but I watch as the titan eats her, "BASTARD!!!!!" I yell before killing the titan and I land on the roof.

I notice Hannes looking at me, I zip to him and hit him over the head, "Don't pay attention to me Hannes, an order take them to the escape boats right now," I turn to Eren, "Find Armin, he should be there and my grandfather, tell them I love them," I say and ruffle his hair up before zipping away.

"Y/N!!!!" Hannes yells stepping forward, "Don't order me around!" He yells I glance back to see him doing as I said anyways.

I zip to the wall clearing paths for citizens and helping them over blocked paths due to fallen titans, buildings and more.

I stand on the roof near the gate and turn to titans. My eyes widen and zip to cannons on the grounds, "How many cannons you got?" I ask a garrison guard walking forward.

"It's Y/N..." The one I questioned mentions then shakes his head, "A good amount, we have some more above the wall ready to shoot the bastards."

I nod and examine the cannons, "Will they hold the bastards down long enough for me?" I ask looking at him.

"Long enough for you?" He questions, "But your mental state!?"

"Live with no regrets, I forgot the feelings those words hold, till now," I pull out new blades, "So listen good all of you! Run if you're scared, I won't judge you. I ran away too, remember and it means you're still human! If you know you can't make it and you have family, then go, but if you stay. Stand tall with no regrets, guard everyone with your lives. We may lose people but together we'll keep a major part of humanity alive!" I glare and see an abnormal charging at us, "Fire the cannon!" I yell.

The guard orders it as well and I zip to the stalled abnormal. I slice the nape of his neck and land on the floor. I start walking then I feeling the ground shake and I turn to see a titan in what looks like armour.

My eyes widen and I back away, he charges forward. I turn and scream, "RUN AND CLOSE THE GATE!!!"

The garrisons do as I say,  I'm kicked forward by the titan as he ran. I fly into a building and cough up blood.

I slowly stand, "We need to retreat," A garrison says I go to fall but he grabs me, "I know you..." I look at him, "Remember me? We trained together," He smiles.

"[Male/Friend]?" I question and he nods.

He zips us away and we dodge titans. He looks terrified while I try not to fall asleep, "Don't sleep [Y/N]! Your family are waiting for you!" He says.

I nod and keep warning him where titans are so he can focus on getting us to safety. I land under the gate and he puts me down on the ground. I look out and see the armoured titan suddenly disappear.

I watch as they close the gate, I close my eyes falling asleep. Ignoring my name being called out.

"Armin," I say as I wake up as [M/F] picks me up putting my arm around his shoulder. I look forward as he helps me where everyone who was saved, "Take me to my brother please," I say.

"Of course," He says and we see a small commotion, I hear Eren's voice, "That way," I say.

He nods and walks there, "Forgive him I beg you," Armin says and bows to the garrison.

"Beating up children?" I ask attracting their attention and I limp forward removing myself from [M/F], "That's not very nice. He's only a kid who saw things he never should have!"

"A scout?!" A garrison observes.

I push Armin behind me, "He's hurt and I'm guessing hungry... He just saw horrors," I say.

"Yeah whatever," The garrison turns around, "In case you didn't know, we're all a little hungry... Coward," He smirks.

"At least I fought and didn't hide behind a wall," I reply and watch him leave. I look at Eren, "Eat the fucking bread and live. No regrets Eren," I say.

"No regrets, brat."

Love of the Captain [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now