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"Girls live with girls and boys live with boys!" The teacher said
"Choose one person to live with. When you are done, come to me" he added. A few people immediately come to him including Lex and Clarke.
When they got the keys they went to their room. "Wow! This is amazing!" Lexa said when she walked into the room. "Didn't expect nothing like that" Clarke added. There was only one big bed for two people in the centre of the room. "I guess, we are sleeping together tonight" Clarke said the obvious "That's fine for me" Lexa smiled at Clarke and Clarke blushed
"Okay, I'm going to take a shower now." Lexa said "I wish I could take it with you" Clarke whispered to herself "Go ahead" Lexa told "What?" Clarke asked "What?" Lexa sked as well. " I said, I wish I could take it first" Clarke explained while she hide her eyes in her hair. "Then go ahead, I will go second" Lexa said politely. "Thanks" Clarke replied as she grabbed some stuff and walked in the bathroom. After both girls were done, they walked out if their room to get dinner.
"Hi Raven, Luna" they said "Hey girls " the others replied "We are having some sort of an alcohol party, come to our room after dinner" Raven smirked "Reyes!" Clarke said in laudatory voice. "How did you manage to carry alcohol on the school trip?!" Lexa inquired. "If I tell you it won't be so funny!' Raven replied with a grin. "Okay, we are coming!" Lexa said excited and smirked at Clarke. "Are Echo, Bellamy, Murphy, Lincoln, Finn, Octavia and Lincoln coming? And what about Anya?" Clarke asked "Nope, only us. They all wanted some rest tonight" Raven lied, she didn't invited the others and it was party only because she and Luna wanted Lexa and Clarke to become a thing. "Okay then, what is the number of your room?" Lexa asked "311". Luna said as they started eating. When everyone was done, Raven and Luna showed the girls their room. It wasn't very different from theirs. One big bed, a bathroom and a table for snacks. Once everyone was in the room Luna locked the door so no one could enter. Raven took a bottle of Vodka and a bottle of red wine out of her bag. "Let's start a party" Raven said as she took out some glasses and poured the liquid in them. "Where is your speaker? I'll turn the music on." Clarke said "It's in the bathroom" "bathroom? How did it get there?" Clarke asked confused "Well Luna and had love listening to music while having sex" Raven explained with a smirk "Oh God! Raven! We don't want to know everything about your sex life!" Clarke replied "We?" Her best friend teased "Lexa and I-" Clarke tried but Luna cut her off "We got it" she laughed softly "Just go get the speaker" Luna told her. The music was on and the party has started. The girls were drinking and sometimes dancing in the rythm of music.
"Let's play 7 minutes in heaven" Luna suggested. "Great idea" Raven said loudly "I'm in" Lexa said "I don't have a choice I guess" Clarke laughed
"So, if someone forget the rules, a person spins a bottle and on whom it stops with them the person goes in the wardrobe and stays there for 7 minutes" Luna explained. "Okay, i will started" Clarke said and spinned the bottle. It stopped against Raven. "Don't cheat on me in there" Luna said to Raven. "I'll try" Raven teased and passionaly kissed her girlfriend "Come on, Reyes. You will have her at night" Clarke said and pulled Raven off from Luna. When they entered the wardrobe they heard Lexa saying: "7 minutes start now!".
The first 5 minutes Raven and Clarke were laughing of the joke Raved told the other girl. And when it was silent Raven speaked. "You like her, don't you?" She said "What?" Clarke asked confused. "I've known you for to long not to notice that. I see the way you look at her. And that smile which appears on your face every time someone said her name." Raven answered as Clarke blushed "Raven, I- " it was silent for a moment. "You know, I do. I like Lexa Woods" she said and smiled. Both girls hugged and then the timer sound. "Get your hands off my girlfriend, Griffin!" Luna shouted "Calm down, we were just hugging" Raven laughed and kissed Luna. "Who is next" Lexa asked "I will spin" Luna said as she spinned the bottle. It stopped against Raven and both girls walked in the wardrobe. "Just please, don't have sex in there " Clarke teasingly said "Don't worry, you won't hear anything" Luna laughed.
When the 7 minutes have passed Clarke opened the wardrobe and saw two girls making out. "It's time guys!" She said as girls pulled off from each other.
"It's Lexa's turn" Clarke announced and give her the bottle. Lexa's spinned it and the bottle stopped right against Clarke.

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