Chapter 29

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Another week went by after Jecklynn gave birth and passed away. Varian continued going to the hospital, but he wasn't there as often, which Nathan appreciated. He also didn't mind so much since it was their son and not Jecklynn. Which he felt a little bad for thinking, considering she was dead. But he just couldn't help himself.

He'd also gotten the result of his report back from Michael, which landed him a permanent job at the hospital. Even had transfer capabilities and his own lab station. Of course, he was still dealing with the other researchers, but he didn't mind too much. They grew on him.

Well. Usually, he didn't mind too much.

Apparently, they didn't just have a vampire baby. They had a Nether vampire baby. A male one. Which essentially caused the Board to completely lose their shit. As a result, just about everyone who was involved with the vampire world knew. Including his coworkers.

He was in the process of fending George off, yet again, when his cell phone rang, and he glared at George as he answered. He didn't get a chance to speak though, as the other person did it first. “Hello Nathan, pardon the intrusion, but I've heard some pretty interesting news.”

Ah. Even Ace knew. Nathan sighed before he responded. “Have you? By all means, share this news with me, because I have no idea what you could be referring to.”

As I understand it, Mandan's own hospital has the world's first known male Nether vampire. Is this true?”

“Yes, Mandan's hospital is currently in possession of a small, male, Nether vampire.”

There was a pause on Ace's line before he spoke again. “Incredible.”

“Incredible. Terrifying. It could go either way, really.” Nathan had to pull the phone away from his ear after that to glare at George, who was still right next to him and listening. “Will you go away? Do some work or something.”

“Oh, you'll talk on the phone, but not to a co-worker.”

Nathan narrowed his eyes and listened to Ace. “Well, if it's caught my attention, it's certainly caught the Board's. Watch him if you can with them.”

“Oh I guarantee it's caught the Board's. Male Nether, I'd be surprised if he didn't.”

Well, I have a request. Not necessarily for now, but in the future if possible.”

“Yeah, sure. What is it?”

I'd like to meet him. When the Board is no longer breathing down his neck. To see him for myself.”

Nathan smiled a little. “I don't think that'll be a problem, once everything calms down. Yeah, we can do that.”

Thank you then. How's it been with you in the lab? Evan seems to be doing well if he's been to Scotland.”

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